Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why does it never rain chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Do you think it should one day?

You never know it might just do it:) Have a day:)Why does it never rain chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Do you think it should one day?
it shouldn't rain chocolate - I'll eat too much of it and will hate it for the rest of my lifeWhy does it never rain chocolate or vanilla ice cream? Do you think it should one day?
Scientifically speaking the temperature would have to be high enough to evaporate chocolate and Ice cream..

Unfortunately what would happe would be the water in these sweets would be evaporated first and then it would simply rain as it does now.

However, if a transport plane carrying chocolate collided with one carrying vanialla ice cream then.. why not...

I guess, statistically speaking there is a probability of that happening.

Nice to have dreams though.
you know that's funny question but yeah, that'd be cool one day if it did ... c[;
It doesn't cause I'm lactose intolerant. And there's already enough lazy people in the world. I mean then they wouldn't even have to go to the store to buy ice cream.
i guess it would be cool. but i dont think it wil ever happen. that is unless ur living in Charlies chocolate factory.
You touched my SWEET TOOTH here...

i'm a chocolholic and my dream is to paint my whole house is real chocolate...

but what you raised here is not just an interesting thought but made my DREAM seem easier...

All is needed is a Helicopter carrying 1000 gallons of Chocolate and sprinkle it... just like RAIN...

yes one day there would be a CHOCORAIN... but mind it it's going to be DARK only...

';Its Thought for Food'; not ';Food for Thought';

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