if its ok what flavour do you prefer ?It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
Too much sugar.It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
I think falvor choice should be up to the baby.
Not sure if ice cream is that healthy, with all the stuff they add into it. But prolly still better than candy.
i think he or she will be fine make sure he or she is not allergic to milk i would give he or she vanilla
I don't think so.... doesn't ice cream have milk in it? I don't think baby are supposed to have milk... (I mean the milk that comes from cows, not formula or breast milk...)
6 months old is usually around the time that you can start feeding him baby food. Try a little apple sauce to see if he can stomach it. Then try something new each week. If you are really worried about his weight talk to your doctor about it. They can tell if hes healthy. Some babies are just skinny. Please dont give your child that much ice cream especially every day. It is ok to taste every now and then but not daily. Ice cream is not a good way to try and fatten your baby up. He needs good healthy food. Try starting him on baby food and see how he does.
not everyday. or not at all u r getting the baby used to the sweets and that's all she is gonna like ...... give her veggies only after a few months then u can start with fruit.
If you are eating ice cream there is no reason why your baby can't have some, just stear clear of nuts or other choking hazards. But on the other hand there is no reason to give your baby ice cream just because he's hungry. That is unless you want him to only eat sweets when he is a toddler. Best wishes
P.S%26gt; To all the people who answered that an infant can't have cow milk...where do you think they get the whey for the formula? Cow's milk, duh!!!
vanilla ice cream is a good choice but not everyday.
Room temperature is sensible but it still will contain an awful lot of sugar.
Giving a baby a small amount of ice cream is fine...if they are teething the cold may even help to releive the pain in atheir little gums. Just be sure to stick to plain vanilla...anything else has fruit, or nuts, or chocolate, and at the age of 6 months you don't know if your child has any allergies. Best to be safe.
I would not give a baby any table foods until he/she starts cutting teeth. If you are worried about your babies nutrition you should see a doctor and instead of the ice cream try pedia sure. This has much more nutrition in it than a few teaspoons of sugary icecream which will make your baby have diarrhea and cause dehydration causing more weightloss. Try calling a doc and use the pediasure (tastes like ice cream).
why would you want your baby to have chemicals at such a young age ? my children didn't have any sugar related foods until they were in school. and now they both prefer fruit to candy .
No! Why would you do this? The child obesity problem is bad enough without you getting him started on sweets at 6 months! Besides, babies should not have milk until they are a year old.
Six month olds still don't have the gastrointestinal tract to digest complex foods, such as cows milk. It will give the child bad intestinal gas and diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration.
not all the time i would prefer not to cause all of the dairy products can constipate the baby as i gave my 6 month old 1/2 piece of cheese and she got constipated ill give you my email address it is jacelynwoodley@yahoo.com.au and how much does the baby weigh? and what did she wigh born?
NO dnt do it it Will chill the babies tummy to much then give them tummy upset
I have had 4 babies so I can tell you from experience that at 6 mos old babies can eat pretty much anything as long as its ground up. The baby will love ice cream but just not alot as a little treat. With any foods watch for allergic reactions. You dont have to melt it.
Why ice cream? why not something healthy? Call the baby's doctor and get a supplement. If the baby is losing weigt you need to findut why there may be a health issue. Why won't people take their children to see a doctor?
yeah its ok
Surely its better to give your baby healthier options, especially as you say she's skinny?
My baby is really skinny too, but remember she doesnt know how good ice-cream tastes! Any food she tries is an experience and ice cream has no nutritional value. You could give her anything sweet and she doesnt know any different. its not like she's 10 and is demanding it.
Use fruit as a sweetener in foods, she wont ask for unhealthy hings if she hasnt tried them.
my baby is 10 months and I think you should giv your baby small amounts of 'adult' food so she gets accustomed to various tastes. Dont give her too much though, because her body cant handle the salt. If you still want to give her ice cream in my opinion it wont harm her to give her a tiny taste every now and then, but definitely not as a meal!!!
I think it is okay because i have a 4 month year old brother but really vanilla works better nothing wit cafine nd nothing that is strong
Hi i am a father of 2 a 7year and a 15month old. My 7 year old was having 4 to 6 weetbixs for breakfast at 6 months. They only need to have one soild meal a day at 6 months. Introducing proper food to your child at this early age will increase development and a taste for new foods. If this is not done it will be almost impossible to get your child to eat different foods when they are older.
Try making up half a weet bix or a crushed up Arrowroot biscuit with formula or breast milk if you are still breast feeding. In most supermarkets they also sell farex and many types of different foods for babies from 6 months up. My 15 month old daughter would not touch farex but she loved weetbix and arrowroot biscuits. Now she eats everything my partner and i eat.
Ice-cream is ok for a little while but it is essential for little people to be eating different kinds of food with different flavours. Soon your child will be developing teeth and will need as many different foods as they can to get nutrition. I used to give my daughters a long strip of steak to gum to death and they loved it. It also helped them while they were teething. This was recommended by my health clinic nurse.
If you take your child to a health clinic (to check weight gains and growth spurts) they should be able to help you with ideas on what to start your child on. Most of them say that weetbix is not any good for babies as it apparently gives them constapation but i had no problem with giving weetbix to both my daughters. But like most people say every child is different. It is just a trial and error thing. But raising kids is all trial and error.
Don't give up and everything will be fine.
Good Luck and best wishes
Father of 2
It is ok once in awhile but I would not do it everyday. anymore than an adult should eat icecream everyday. by the way dont give it melts. Let the baby enjoy it the same way you do.
Why would you do that?
It would not hurt your baby. The problem with sweets for the very young is that they are then not hungry for the 'real food'.
It won't hurt anything but be careful, you are creating a sweet tooth very early. As a chubby teen your baby could resent it.
HA...I've had 4 children....Believe me, they will tell YOU when they wanna eat something. I remember once my youngest was in my lap and I was eating pizza. He was probly about 4 months old. He grabbed my pizza crust off my plate and ate it happily for an hour or so. Of course I made sure he wasnt choking on any bits and pieces. Yea, I think its ok to feed them the stuff they seem to want. Six months is plenty old enough to start trying table food. As long as they can handle it!
NO! Don't give a baby milk prouducts ever it will cause serious proublems when they are older like diabetes. Your baby wont eat because what you are feeding her is making her have an upset stomach. Latoce free formula fruit and veggies is all you should be feeding a 6 mo old and maybe some brown rice cereal. Make sure what your buying doesnt have preseriviteves in it. Soy formula isnt great either because its extreamly hard to digest so dont try that.
not a good idea to give a baby ice cream at that age I dont think. Since they cant have real cow milk then I dont think they can have ice cream . Try those pop-ice things spoon him some. They are the popsicles that come in the long plastic-like tubes.My twins loved those and they help soothe through the teething stage which at six months I am sure he is teething.
I suppose the flavor would depend on whatever your child prefers but I wouldn't give it to him/her everyday.
yes it could be possible to give your baqby an melted ice cream.
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