Basicly i got long hair for a dude so i have to straighten it every day to make it look nice, but the problem is i dont wanna burn my hair or nuthin' or damage it, if i use ''Loreal Paris Hot Straightening Cream'' will it protect my hair and thus make it safe for me to straighten my hair daily ?LOREAL STRAIGHTENING CREAM....... WILL IT stop my hair from burning since i straighten it every day?
u shudn't straighten ur hair daily.but loreal is a gud 1
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
if its ok what flavour do you prefer ?It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
Too much sugar.It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
I think falvor choice should be up to the baby.
Not sure if ice cream is that healthy, with all the stuff they add into it. But prolly still better than candy.
i think he or she will be fine make sure he or she is not allergic to milk i would give he or she vanilla
I don't think so.... doesn't ice cream have milk in it? I don't think baby are supposed to have milk... (I mean the milk that comes from cows, not formula or breast milk...)
6 months old is usually around the time that you can start feeding him baby food. Try a little apple sauce to see if he can stomach it. Then try something new each week. If you are really worried about his weight talk to your doctor about it. They can tell if hes healthy. Some babies are just skinny. Please dont give your child that much ice cream especially every day. It is ok to taste every now and then but not daily. Ice cream is not a good way to try and fatten your baby up. He needs good healthy food. Try starting him on baby food and see how he does.
not everyday. or not at all u r getting the baby used to the sweets and that's all she is gonna like ...... give her veggies only after a few months then u can start with fruit.
If you are eating ice cream there is no reason why your baby can't have some, just stear clear of nuts or other choking hazards. But on the other hand there is no reason to give your baby ice cream just because he's hungry. That is unless you want him to only eat sweets when he is a toddler. Best wishes
P.S%26gt; To all the people who answered that an infant can't have cow milk...where do you think they get the whey for the formula? Cow's milk, duh!!!
vanilla ice cream is a good choice but not everyday.
Room temperature is sensible but it still will contain an awful lot of sugar.
Giving a baby a small amount of ice cream is fine...if they are teething the cold may even help to releive the pain in atheir little gums. Just be sure to stick to plain vanilla...anything else has fruit, or nuts, or chocolate, and at the age of 6 months you don't know if your child has any allergies. Best to be safe.
I would not give a baby any table foods until he/she starts cutting teeth. If you are worried about your babies nutrition you should see a doctor and instead of the ice cream try pedia sure. This has much more nutrition in it than a few teaspoons of sugary icecream which will make your baby have diarrhea and cause dehydration causing more weightloss. Try calling a doc and use the pediasure (tastes like ice cream).
why would you want your baby to have chemicals at such a young age ? my children didn't have any sugar related foods until they were in school. and now they both prefer fruit to candy .
No! Why would you do this? The child obesity problem is bad enough without you getting him started on sweets at 6 months! Besides, babies should not have milk until they are a year old.
Six month olds still don't have the gastrointestinal tract to digest complex foods, such as cows milk. It will give the child bad intestinal gas and diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration.
not all the time i would prefer not to cause all of the dairy products can constipate the baby as i gave my 6 month old 1/2 piece of cheese and she got constipated ill give you my email address it is and how much does the baby weigh? and what did she wigh born?
NO dnt do it it Will chill the babies tummy to much then give them tummy upset
I have had 4 babies so I can tell you from experience that at 6 mos old babies can eat pretty much anything as long as its ground up. The baby will love ice cream but just not alot as a little treat. With any foods watch for allergic reactions. You dont have to melt it.
Why ice cream? why not something healthy? Call the baby's doctor and get a supplement. If the baby is losing weigt you need to findut why there may be a health issue. Why won't people take their children to see a doctor?
yeah its ok
Surely its better to give your baby healthier options, especially as you say she's skinny?
My baby is really skinny too, but remember she doesnt know how good ice-cream tastes! Any food she tries is an experience and ice cream has no nutritional value. You could give her anything sweet and she doesnt know any different. its not like she's 10 and is demanding it.
Use fruit as a sweetener in foods, she wont ask for unhealthy hings if she hasnt tried them.
my baby is 10 months and I think you should giv your baby small amounts of 'adult' food so she gets accustomed to various tastes. Dont give her too much though, because her body cant handle the salt. If you still want to give her ice cream in my opinion it wont harm her to give her a tiny taste every now and then, but definitely not as a meal!!!
I think it is okay because i have a 4 month year old brother but really vanilla works better nothing wit cafine nd nothing that is strong
Hi i am a father of 2 a 7year and a 15month old. My 7 year old was having 4 to 6 weetbixs for breakfast at 6 months. They only need to have one soild meal a day at 6 months. Introducing proper food to your child at this early age will increase development and a taste for new foods. If this is not done it will be almost impossible to get your child to eat different foods when they are older.
Try making up half a weet bix or a crushed up Arrowroot biscuit with formula or breast milk if you are still breast feeding. In most supermarkets they also sell farex and many types of different foods for babies from 6 months up. My 15 month old daughter would not touch farex but she loved weetbix and arrowroot biscuits. Now she eats everything my partner and i eat.
Ice-cream is ok for a little while but it is essential for little people to be eating different kinds of food with different flavours. Soon your child will be developing teeth and will need as many different foods as they can to get nutrition. I used to give my daughters a long strip of steak to gum to death and they loved it. It also helped them while they were teething. This was recommended by my health clinic nurse.
If you take your child to a health clinic (to check weight gains and growth spurts) they should be able to help you with ideas on what to start your child on. Most of them say that weetbix is not any good for babies as it apparently gives them constapation but i had no problem with giving weetbix to both my daughters. But like most people say every child is different. It is just a trial and error thing. But raising kids is all trial and error.
Don't give up and everything will be fine.
Good Luck and best wishes
Father of 2
It is ok once in awhile but I would not do it everyday. anymore than an adult should eat icecream everyday. by the way dont give it melts. Let the baby enjoy it the same way you do.
Why would you do that?
It would not hurt your baby. The problem with sweets for the very young is that they are then not hungry for the 'real food'.
It won't hurt anything but be careful, you are creating a sweet tooth very early. As a chubby teen your baby could resent it.
HA...I've had 4 children....Believe me, they will tell YOU when they wanna eat something. I remember once my youngest was in my lap and I was eating pizza. He was probly about 4 months old. He grabbed my pizza crust off my plate and ate it happily for an hour or so. Of course I made sure he wasnt choking on any bits and pieces. Yea, I think its ok to feed them the stuff they seem to want. Six months is plenty old enough to start trying table food. As long as they can handle it!
NO! Don't give a baby milk prouducts ever it will cause serious proublems when they are older like diabetes. Your baby wont eat because what you are feeding her is making her have an upset stomach. Latoce free formula fruit and veggies is all you should be feeding a 6 mo old and maybe some brown rice cereal. Make sure what your buying doesnt have preseriviteves in it. Soy formula isnt great either because its extreamly hard to digest so dont try that.
not a good idea to give a baby ice cream at that age I dont think. Since they cant have real cow milk then I dont think they can have ice cream . Try those pop-ice things spoon him some. They are the popsicles that come in the long plastic-like tubes.My twins loved those and they help soothe through the teething stage which at six months I am sure he is teething.
I suppose the flavor would depend on whatever your child prefers but I wouldn't give it to him/her everyday.
yes it could be possible to give your baqby an melted ice cream.
Too much sugar.It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day?
I think falvor choice should be up to the baby.
Not sure if ice cream is that healthy, with all the stuff they add into it. But prolly still better than candy.
i think he or she will be fine make sure he or she is not allergic to milk i would give he or she vanilla
I don't think so.... doesn't ice cream have milk in it? I don't think baby are supposed to have milk... (I mean the milk that comes from cows, not formula or breast milk...)
6 months old is usually around the time that you can start feeding him baby food. Try a little apple sauce to see if he can stomach it. Then try something new each week. If you are really worried about his weight talk to your doctor about it. They can tell if hes healthy. Some babies are just skinny. Please dont give your child that much ice cream especially every day. It is ok to taste every now and then but not daily. Ice cream is not a good way to try and fatten your baby up. He needs good healthy food. Try starting him on baby food and see how he does.
not everyday. or not at all u r getting the baby used to the sweets and that's all she is gonna like ...... give her veggies only after a few months then u can start with fruit.
If you are eating ice cream there is no reason why your baby can't have some, just stear clear of nuts or other choking hazards. But on the other hand there is no reason to give your baby ice cream just because he's hungry. That is unless you want him to only eat sweets when he is a toddler. Best wishes
P.S%26gt; To all the people who answered that an infant can't have cow milk...where do you think they get the whey for the formula? Cow's milk, duh!!!
vanilla ice cream is a good choice but not everyday.
Room temperature is sensible but it still will contain an awful lot of sugar.
Giving a baby a small amount of ice cream is fine...if they are teething the cold may even help to releive the pain in atheir little gums. Just be sure to stick to plain vanilla...anything else has fruit, or nuts, or chocolate, and at the age of 6 months you don't know if your child has any allergies. Best to be safe.
I would not give a baby any table foods until he/she starts cutting teeth. If you are worried about your babies nutrition you should see a doctor and instead of the ice cream try pedia sure. This has much more nutrition in it than a few teaspoons of sugary icecream which will make your baby have diarrhea and cause dehydration causing more weightloss. Try calling a doc and use the pediasure (tastes like ice cream).
why would you want your baby to have chemicals at such a young age ? my children didn't have any sugar related foods until they were in school. and now they both prefer fruit to candy .
No! Why would you do this? The child obesity problem is bad enough without you getting him started on sweets at 6 months! Besides, babies should not have milk until they are a year old.
Six month olds still don't have the gastrointestinal tract to digest complex foods, such as cows milk. It will give the child bad intestinal gas and diarrhea, which may lead to dehydration.
not all the time i would prefer not to cause all of the dairy products can constipate the baby as i gave my 6 month old 1/2 piece of cheese and she got constipated ill give you my email address it is and how much does the baby weigh? and what did she wigh born?
NO dnt do it it Will chill the babies tummy to much then give them tummy upset
I have had 4 babies so I can tell you from experience that at 6 mos old babies can eat pretty much anything as long as its ground up. The baby will love ice cream but just not alot as a little treat. With any foods watch for allergic reactions. You dont have to melt it.
Why ice cream? why not something healthy? Call the baby's doctor and get a supplement. If the baby is losing weigt you need to findut why there may be a health issue. Why won't people take their children to see a doctor?
yeah its ok
Surely its better to give your baby healthier options, especially as you say she's skinny?
My baby is really skinny too, but remember she doesnt know how good ice-cream tastes! Any food she tries is an experience and ice cream has no nutritional value. You could give her anything sweet and she doesnt know any different. its not like she's 10 and is demanding it.
Use fruit as a sweetener in foods, she wont ask for unhealthy hings if she hasnt tried them.
my baby is 10 months and I think you should giv your baby small amounts of 'adult' food so she gets accustomed to various tastes. Dont give her too much though, because her body cant handle the salt. If you still want to give her ice cream in my opinion it wont harm her to give her a tiny taste every now and then, but definitely not as a meal!!!
I think it is okay because i have a 4 month year old brother but really vanilla works better nothing wit cafine nd nothing that is strong
Hi i am a father of 2 a 7year and a 15month old. My 7 year old was having 4 to 6 weetbixs for breakfast at 6 months. They only need to have one soild meal a day at 6 months. Introducing proper food to your child at this early age will increase development and a taste for new foods. If this is not done it will be almost impossible to get your child to eat different foods when they are older.
Try making up half a weet bix or a crushed up Arrowroot biscuit with formula or breast milk if you are still breast feeding. In most supermarkets they also sell farex and many types of different foods for babies from 6 months up. My 15 month old daughter would not touch farex but she loved weetbix and arrowroot biscuits. Now she eats everything my partner and i eat.
Ice-cream is ok for a little while but it is essential for little people to be eating different kinds of food with different flavours. Soon your child will be developing teeth and will need as many different foods as they can to get nutrition. I used to give my daughters a long strip of steak to gum to death and they loved it. It also helped them while they were teething. This was recommended by my health clinic nurse.
If you take your child to a health clinic (to check weight gains and growth spurts) they should be able to help you with ideas on what to start your child on. Most of them say that weetbix is not any good for babies as it apparently gives them constapation but i had no problem with giving weetbix to both my daughters. But like most people say every child is different. It is just a trial and error thing. But raising kids is all trial and error.
Don't give up and everything will be fine.
Good Luck and best wishes
Father of 2
It is ok once in awhile but I would not do it everyday. anymore than an adult should eat icecream everyday. by the way dont give it melts. Let the baby enjoy it the same way you do.
Why would you do that?
It would not hurt your baby. The problem with sweets for the very young is that they are then not hungry for the 'real food'.
It won't hurt anything but be careful, you are creating a sweet tooth very early. As a chubby teen your baby could resent it.
HA...I've had 4 children....Believe me, they will tell YOU when they wanna eat something. I remember once my youngest was in my lap and I was eating pizza. He was probly about 4 months old. He grabbed my pizza crust off my plate and ate it happily for an hour or so. Of course I made sure he wasnt choking on any bits and pieces. Yea, I think its ok to feed them the stuff they seem to want. Six months is plenty old enough to start trying table food. As long as they can handle it!
NO! Don't give a baby milk prouducts ever it will cause serious proublems when they are older like diabetes. Your baby wont eat because what you are feeding her is making her have an upset stomach. Latoce free formula fruit and veggies is all you should be feeding a 6 mo old and maybe some brown rice cereal. Make sure what your buying doesnt have preseriviteves in it. Soy formula isnt great either because its extreamly hard to digest so dont try that.
not a good idea to give a baby ice cream at that age I dont think. Since they cant have real cow milk then I dont think they can have ice cream . Try those pop-ice things spoon him some. They are the popsicles that come in the long plastic-like tubes.My twins loved those and they help soothe through the teething stage which at six months I am sure he is teething.
I suppose the flavor would depend on whatever your child prefers but I wouldn't give it to him/her everyday.
yes it could be possible to give your baqby an melted ice cream.
What is better than ice cream on a cold day???
suga-pop on any day
I know I know, you prefer gummiWhat is better than ice cream on a cold day???
pretty much anythingWhat is better than ice cream on a cold day???
Spicy chili on a hot one? *shrug* I dunno.
Gummi and Suga getting back together
eating rice with chopsticks on a roller coaster
Chili or stew
cold macaroni, and a glass of sweet ice tea!
Cheesecake on a warm day
alot of ice cream
ice cream when it is snowing
Red hot chilli peppers in the middle of summer
or falling in autumn
Hot chocolate on a hot day.
Jack Daniels
maria sharapova
Hot cocoa on a hot day.
Hot Sex.
going skinny dipping when its in the low 20s
Home made soup.
hot soup.
Hot chocolate!
A nice hot cup of coco, coffee, soup, or hot herbal tea drink. It depends on what you feel like having? I like things hot when it's cold out especially if I have a cold.
Ice cream on a hot day.
topping it with a a couple shots of Kaluha
t!tties and beer!
I know I know, you prefer gummiWhat is better than ice cream on a cold day???
pretty much anythingWhat is better than ice cream on a cold day???
Spicy chili on a hot one? *shrug* I dunno.
Gummi and Suga getting back together
eating rice with chopsticks on a roller coaster
Chili or stew
cold macaroni, and a glass of sweet ice tea!
Cheesecake on a warm day
alot of ice cream
ice cream when it is snowing
Red hot chilli peppers in the middle of summer
or falling in autumn
Hot chocolate on a hot day.
Jack Daniels
maria sharapova
Hot cocoa on a hot day.
Hot Sex.
going skinny dipping when its in the low 20s
Home made soup.
hot soup.
Hot chocolate!
A nice hot cup of coco, coffee, soup, or hot herbal tea drink. It depends on what you feel like having? I like things hot when it's cold out especially if I have a cold.
Ice cream on a hot day.
topping it with a a couple shots of Kaluha
t!tties and beer!
Where in bham can i buy ponds all day oil control cream?
The Body Shop has a real gd one, its called spf 15 shine control moisuriser. its really good as you dont burn and dont get dry skin and stay matte for ages. I dont think its that expensive- hope this helps!Where in bham can i buy ponds all day oil control cream?
Piggly WigglyWhere in bham can i buy ponds all day oil control cream?
Boots is probably your best bet, or a big department store like Debenhams, John Lewis, those kinda places.
Piggly WigglyWhere in bham can i buy ponds all day oil control cream?
Boots is probably your best bet, or a big department store like Debenhams, John Lewis, those kinda places.
Whats with the paper around the bottom of ice cream cones these days?
I realize they are probably to keep the employees filthy rotten hands from touching the cones, but what do they use to stick them to the cones? I was eating a cone the other day and had a hard time getting all the paper off the bottom of the cone. I don't want to eat germs, but I also don't want to eat glue and paper.Whats with the paper around the bottom of ice cream cones these days?
The ice cream may have dribble onto the paper, making it stick. You are right about the hygiene factorWhats with the paper around the bottom of ice cream cones these days?
I am sure it is an edible adhesive. Like a mixture of Karo syrup and something. They do help keep the ice cream from dripping out of the bottom of a soggy cone.
Yeah, it's pretty much glue; although presumeably a less toxic variety. Some ice cream shops just have their employees grab the cones with a napkin or paper sleeve, but don't have them glued to the cone. That's always a nice touch.
The paper does keep the employees hands off the cones, it also prevents them from sticking together in the box when temperature and humidy varies causing them to shrink and makeup
The ice cream may have dribble onto the paper, making it stick. You are right about the hygiene factorWhats with the paper around the bottom of ice cream cones these days?
I am sure it is an edible adhesive. Like a mixture of Karo syrup and something. They do help keep the ice cream from dripping out of the bottom of a soggy cone.
Yeah, it's pretty much glue; although presumeably a less toxic variety. Some ice cream shops just have their employees grab the cones with a napkin or paper sleeve, but don't have them glued to the cone. That's always a nice touch.
The paper does keep the employees hands off the cones, it also prevents them from sticking together in the box when temperature and humidy varies causing them to shrink and contract.
Night cream causes face to oil the next day, even after washing.?
Have you ever experienced this? The reason I don't like to apply face moisturiser is that no matter what form it takes (gel, lotion, cream), my face becomes oily and my powder foundation doesn't sit well on my face. As a result, I constantly retouch as it gets oily so fast. When I apply the cream only before bedtime, my face still gets oily next day even after I've already washed it and make-up doesn't stick. This does not happen if I totally abstain from using any face moisturiser. Have you had this experience? What steps did you take? I cannot not take care of my skin :-(Night cream causes face to oil the next day, even after washing.?
Had a similar problem, and night cream is very important to me as well.
What I did was wash my face as soon as I got up in the morning.
Then leave it while I'm having breakfast etc In this short time it seemed to get very oily very quickly.( I guess it's excess oil coming out of the pores)
Then last thing before I leave is wash it again (it gives of less oil the second time) and use a mattifying cream. (I use Shine Free by Garnier, but there are loads out there)
You're doing the right thing by using powder foundation.(Loreal has one that has Salicylic acid in, that helps with excess shine)
But try this technique, it works for me.
Good luck.Night cream causes face to oil the next day, even after washing.?
When you get in your 20's u should find some kind of cream to wear. This is to help slow down the age process.There are lotions for the face that aren't oily.They usually say non oily. If your in your 20's then u need to use it.If not just at night. When you get older you will thank yourself.
Yeah this happens a lot. Well, what I try to do, its limited putting face cremes or moisturizers all over my face. I try to just focus on the areas that will need it most in the future.
Try to just put the moisturizing lotion around your eyes.
You need to take care of that area, so make sure it is well hydrated.
maybe your face cream has oil in it i use oil free face cream and its very rare that i get oily skin the next morning i have fairly normal skin btw. hope it helps
first of all u need to wash ur face dont be lazy, u have extreme oily skin that means even overnight the cream not absorbed till the morning avoid moistutisers use cucumber instead before going to bed take a slice and rub gently it will be great and as you said summer it will act as a cooling agent too u can do this anytime during the day it will also absorb excess oil try using moisturiser in winters instead...and use a oil balance exfoliating face wash.
I have to ask if you're using a proper astringent before applying moisturizer. It also sounds like in this time in your life, you have a oily to very oily complexion, so perhaps extra moisturization right now isn't necessary.
Please remember that moisturization isn't a daily task. You have to play it by ear depending on your activity level, sun exposure, and time of the year. To keep the same routine for 365 days is just crazy.
As we go into the drier winter months, we'll need to moisturize more. Perhaps in the summer, you didn't require any additional moisturization than your body provided you.
Good luck.
Oil Control Lotion. That will help! I know, I use it too.
Had a similar problem, and night cream is very important to me as well.
What I did was wash my face as soon as I got up in the morning.
Then leave it while I'm having breakfast etc In this short time it seemed to get very oily very quickly.( I guess it's excess oil coming out of the pores)
Then last thing before I leave is wash it again (it gives of less oil the second time) and use a mattifying cream. (I use Shine Free by Garnier, but there are loads out there)
You're doing the right thing by using powder foundation.(Loreal has one that has Salicylic acid in, that helps with excess shine)
But try this technique, it works for me.
Good luck.Night cream causes face to oil the next day, even after washing.?
When you get in your 20's u should find some kind of cream to wear. This is to help slow down the age process.There are lotions for the face that aren't oily.They usually say non oily. If your in your 20's then u need to use it.If not just at night. When you get older you will thank yourself.
Yeah this happens a lot. Well, what I try to do, its limited putting face cremes or moisturizers all over my face. I try to just focus on the areas that will need it most in the future.
Try to just put the moisturizing lotion around your eyes.
You need to take care of that area, so make sure it is well hydrated.
maybe your face cream has oil in it i use oil free face cream and its very rare that i get oily skin the next morning i have fairly normal skin btw. hope it helps
first of all u need to wash ur face dont be lazy, u have extreme oily skin that means even overnight the cream not absorbed till the morning avoid moistutisers use cucumber instead before going to bed take a slice and rub gently it will be great and as you said summer it will act as a cooling agent too u can do this anytime during the day it will also absorb excess oil try using moisturiser in winters instead...and use a oil balance exfoliating face wash.
I have to ask if you're using a proper astringent before applying moisturizer. It also sounds like in this time in your life, you have a oily to very oily complexion, so perhaps extra moisturization right now isn't necessary.
Please remember that moisturization isn't a daily task. You have to play it by ear depending on your activity level, sun exposure, and time of the year. To keep the same routine for 365 days is just crazy.
As we go into the drier winter months, we'll need to moisturize more. Perhaps in the summer, you didn't require any additional moisturization than your body provided you.
Good luck.
Oil Control Lotion. That will help! I know, I use it too.
I know a sweet doctor and now he has asked that my daughter and i join his son and him for ice cream and a day
theme park ..his son is older than my daughter ...but i think they have fun ....what do you think????i know he would love to go out just the two of us ...because he asked me out he using the kids to make us closer to each other...I know a sweet doctor and now he has asked that my daughter and i join his son and him for ice cream and a day
He may want to get closer and figures this would be an easy way to be together and not make you feel uncomfortable. Just meet them some place and if things don't work you can leave. Give it a try. Good luck.I know a sweet doctor and now he has asked that my daughter and i join his son and him for ice cream and a day
Yes... And if you feel uncomfortable, then say so! Personally, I don't introduce anyone to my kids. My golden rule has been to get to know someone really well, feel comfortable with them, %26amp; know that they are going to be in my life on a positive note before I ever bring them around my kids...
there could be many motives to this.........however if you don't go on the day of fun and see what happens you will never know. sounds like he likes you and your child. go to the park have a great time. get to know each other. you may find the best friend in the world.....maybe more......... good luck
He may want to get closer and figures this would be an easy way to be together and not make you feel uncomfortable. Just meet them some place and if things don't work you can leave. Give it a try. Good luck.I know a sweet doctor and now he has asked that my daughter and i join his son and him for ice cream and a day
Yes... And if you feel uncomfortable, then say so! Personally, I don't introduce anyone to my kids. My golden rule has been to get to know someone really well, feel comfortable with them, %26amp; know that they are going to be in my life on a positive note before I ever bring them around my kids...
there could be many motives to this.........however if you don't go on the day of fun and see what happens you will never know. sounds like he likes you and your child. go to the park have a great time. get to know each other. you may find the best friend in the world.....maybe more......... good luck
BEST QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you prefer ice cream, milkshakes, or pudding? And what flavor?
hahaBEST QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you prefer ice cream, milkshakes, or pudding? And what flavor?
pudding or milkshake my fave pudding is chocolate and my fave milkshake is strawberry.BEST QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you prefer ice cream, milkshakes, or pudding? And what flavor?
Someone already stated that they had the BEST ANSWER OF THE DAY! so, I will be the 2nd BEST ANSWER OF THE DAY! :]
Ice Cream-Mint Chocolate Chip
Milkshakes-Vanilla with Chocolate Syrup
Pudding-Chocolate and Vanilla mixed together
But to pick?!?!
Oh man
Mint Chocolate Chip pudding
Haha, yes there is such a thing!
Cake batter milkshakes with lots of sprinkles and no woop cream sometimes with woop cream
Get them at: Tastee Freez: Located:West Chicago
yummy okay heres my answer =]
milkshakes - chocolate... but it has to be from a certainplace in iowa when i vistied iowa - The Dair-y. sumtimes i wish i lived in Iowa cuz thos r soooo good the choc one im not kiddin!
milkshakes, chocolate, strawberry, or real vanilla
can i have ice cream like NOW????
any flavor except from strawberry and lemon
I prefer pudding, my favorite flavor is chocolate :)
Strawberry Milkshakes!
chocolate milkshakes...I hate pudding!
chocolate cake
or mcdonalds chocolate milkshake
chocolate pudding
vanilla ice cream
i wuv ice cream of the chocolate variety
ice cream
double chocolate chunk icecream
vanilla ice-cream
Ice Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip! (:
Pudding hands down to win x
Mint and Choc chip ice cream =DD*
ice cream- c0tt0n candi
cake batter ice cream! with lots of MnMs
I prefer a vanilla milkshake the most! BUT, I really like root beer floats. Aw, now this question made me hungry! ^_^
twist ice cream with hard coco shell yum
What, no choice of a malt?!?
i'm gonna pick a fourth option, which will be a root beer float.
pudding or milkshake my fave pudding is chocolate and my fave milkshake is strawberry.BEST QUESTION OF THE DAY: Do you prefer ice cream, milkshakes, or pudding? And what flavor?
Someone already stated that they had the BEST ANSWER OF THE DAY! so, I will be the 2nd BEST ANSWER OF THE DAY! :]
Ice Cream-Mint Chocolate Chip
Milkshakes-Vanilla with Chocolate Syrup
Pudding-Chocolate and Vanilla mixed together
But to pick?!?!
Oh man
Mint Chocolate Chip pudding
Haha, yes there is such a thing!
Cake batter milkshakes with lots of sprinkles and no woop cream sometimes with woop cream
Get them at: Tastee Freez: Located:West Chicago
yummy okay heres my answer =]
milkshakes - chocolate... but it has to be from a certainplace in iowa when i vistied iowa - The Dair-y. sumtimes i wish i lived in Iowa cuz thos r soooo good the choc one im not kiddin!
milkshakes, chocolate, strawberry, or real vanilla
can i have ice cream like NOW????
any flavor except from strawberry and lemon
I prefer pudding, my favorite flavor is chocolate :)
Strawberry Milkshakes!
chocolate milkshakes...I hate pudding!
chocolate cake
or mcdonalds chocolate milkshake
chocolate pudding
vanilla ice cream
i wuv ice cream of the chocolate variety
ice cream
double chocolate chunk icecream
vanilla ice-cream
Ice Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip! (:
Pudding hands down to win x
Mint and Choc chip ice cream =DD*
ice cream- c0tt0n candi
cake batter ice cream! with lots of MnMs
I prefer a vanilla milkshake the most! BUT, I really like root beer floats. Aw, now this question made me hungry! ^_^
twist ice cream with hard coco shell yum
What, no choice of a malt?!?
i'm gonna pick a fourth option, which will be a root beer float.
It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day??
if its ok what flavour do you prefer ?
my baby is very fussy,take bottle only if she really sleepy,and she's skinny baby,im worried
is there anything else i can give to my baby to make her not skinny anymore but not making her constipation worse?It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day??
no, you should avoid giving dairy to a baby until after 1 year of age to avoid food allergies.
talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your baby's weight.It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day??
No- not EVERYDAY!! Maybe Once a month MAYBE! I don't introduce ice cream till age one at the very least
I don't think ice cream would be a good thing to give everyday. It has too much sugar and they don't recommend milk (dairy) until they are atleast 1 year old. I agree with the other answer that you may want to start your baby on cereal, or baby food or just mash potatoes or peas. I would mix cereal and formula when starting my babies on solid food. And then cereal with baby food.
PLEASE talk to your baby's doctor and follow what they say. Also, see if there is a WIC (women, infants %26amp; children) office in your city. They are really good at educating parents and helping with questions you may have about your childs eating. Plus, if you quilify, you can get free formula.
You really need to talk to your doctor in this situation. ice cream is not at all good for her. If she is skinny, the LAST thing you want to do is give her something non-nutritious and loaded with sugar (which will blunt her appetite).
Talk to your doctor about how much baby food and formula she should be taking. And if the baby is constipated, let the doctor treat it. You sound approriately concerned, but I really think you need to take this up with a professional.
Dairy products may make your daughter fussy! This would include formula, which has dairy in it. Gas and sinus issues are normal with dairy ingestion. You may want to try switching formulas. And try to give your daughter healthy foods instead of refined sugar. :)
I give my 7 month old all kinds of ';real food';. The dr says whatever she can handle. You should be feeding her at least rice cereal by now. Try it, it wont hurt her.
I dont see why not!! Haave you started her on foods yet?? THAT may help.....My baby was super fussy and when we started to feed her foods l ike green beans and peas and rice ceareal it helped out my daugher!!
OKAY my daughter had dairy when she was 9 months old and she is doing great!! my other got milk when she was 10 months old!! She wouldnt drink formula anymore....So if it is not a ton of it it should be okay!! Just becareful of sugars!!
Hell no! Gurl Whats ya problem!
no offense, but why would you give your daughter ice cream everyday? to fatten her up? no offense, i'm scared for your child, your solutions seem ludicrous. no wonder she's fussy. typically, you need to give kids the bad tasting foods before the good tasting foods. so 'do not' feed ice cream! or anything else sweet! she'll just get fussier and your problem will never get solved. you'll either end up with a skinny fussy kid, or a fat teenager that chooses fries and burgers over vegetables. up the amount of 'healthy' foods, or good fats atleast, don't resort to junk food please.
The ice cream won't hurt the baby at all; however, if you are concerned about her nutrition needs you would be better off considering a dietary supplement meant specifically for children such as Pediasure. BUT - before you start any supplement program, you need to let your child's pediatrician know of your concerns. There may be an underlying medical condition that is preventing your baby from gaining at a normal rate.
If your baby is really skinny you should talk to your doctor. I have a 5 month old and she eats every 3 hours all day until 7:00 at night then she sleeps till 7:00 in the morning. She eats really well and I do tend to give her extra treats every now and then. Like a few bites of icecream. I also put karo syrup in every bottle I give her. This helps her poop reguraly and stops gas. You should talk to your doctor and see if karo syrup will help with your babies constipation and fussiness. Fussiness is useualy gas. So if you DR says so, the syrup will help with both, and maybe she'll start eating more if she starts pooping more.
my baby is very fussy,take bottle only if she really sleepy,and she's skinny baby,im worried
is there anything else i can give to my baby to make her not skinny anymore but not making her constipation worse?It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day??
no, you should avoid giving dairy to a baby until after 1 year of age to avoid food allergies.
talk to your doctor if you're concerned about your baby's weight.It is okay to give my 6 months baby 3 tablespoon Melted ice cream(at room temperature)a day??
No- not EVERYDAY!! Maybe Once a month MAYBE! I don't introduce ice cream till age one at the very least
I don't think ice cream would be a good thing to give everyday. It has too much sugar and they don't recommend milk (dairy) until they are atleast 1 year old. I agree with the other answer that you may want to start your baby on cereal, or baby food or just mash potatoes or peas. I would mix cereal and formula when starting my babies on solid food. And then cereal with baby food.
PLEASE talk to your baby's doctor and follow what they say. Also, see if there is a WIC (women, infants %26amp; children) office in your city. They are really good at educating parents and helping with questions you may have about your childs eating. Plus, if you quilify, you can get free formula.
You really need to talk to your doctor in this situation. ice cream is not at all good for her. If she is skinny, the LAST thing you want to do is give her something non-nutritious and loaded with sugar (which will blunt her appetite).
Talk to your doctor about how much baby food and formula she should be taking. And if the baby is constipated, let the doctor treat it. You sound approriately concerned, but I really think you need to take this up with a professional.
Dairy products may make your daughter fussy! This would include formula, which has dairy in it. Gas and sinus issues are normal with dairy ingestion. You may want to try switching formulas. And try to give your daughter healthy foods instead of refined sugar. :)
I give my 7 month old all kinds of ';real food';. The dr says whatever she can handle. You should be feeding her at least rice cereal by now. Try it, it wont hurt her.
I dont see why not!! Haave you started her on foods yet?? THAT may help.....My baby was super fussy and when we started to feed her foods l ike green beans and peas and rice ceareal it helped out my daugher!!
OKAY my daughter had dairy when she was 9 months old and she is doing great!! my other got milk when she was 10 months old!! She wouldnt drink formula anymore....So if it is not a ton of it it should be okay!! Just becareful of sugars!!
Hell no! Gurl Whats ya problem!
no offense, but why would you give your daughter ice cream everyday? to fatten her up? no offense, i'm scared for your child, your solutions seem ludicrous. no wonder she's fussy. typically, you need to give kids the bad tasting foods before the good tasting foods. so 'do not' feed ice cream! or anything else sweet! she'll just get fussier and your problem will never get solved. you'll either end up with a skinny fussy kid, or a fat teenager that chooses fries and burgers over vegetables. up the amount of 'healthy' foods, or good fats atleast, don't resort to junk food please.
The ice cream won't hurt the baby at all; however, if you are concerned about her nutrition needs you would be better off considering a dietary supplement meant specifically for children such as Pediasure. BUT - before you start any supplement program, you need to let your child's pediatrician know of your concerns. There may be an underlying medical condition that is preventing your baby from gaining at a normal rate.
If your baby is really skinny you should talk to your doctor. I have a 5 month old and she eats every 3 hours all day until 7:00 at night then she sleeps till 7:00 in the morning. She eats really well and I do tend to give her extra treats every now and then. Like a few bites of icecream. I also put karo syrup in every bottle I give her. This helps her poop reguraly and stops gas. You should talk to your doctor and see if karo syrup will help with your babies constipation and fussiness. Fussiness is useualy gas. So if you DR says so, the syrup will help with both, and maybe she'll start eating more if she starts pooping more.
Isn't Lulu a bit old to be wishing for a pie full of cream on Christmas day?
Come on slug. Don't tell me you woulldn' put cream
in her crumpet!!!Isn't Lulu a bit old to be wishing for a pie full of cream on Christmas day?
i this a dirty question? or is it just me?Isn't Lulu a bit old to be wishing for a pie full of cream on Christmas day?
i'd cream her pie!
even if she is old enough to be my mother!
I'd love to give Lulu some Creampies
How rude!!! LOL thats the type of thing that pops into my head when I hear summin like that too.... what does that say about us???????
in her crumpet!!!Isn't Lulu a bit old to be wishing for a pie full of cream on Christmas day?
i this a dirty question? or is it just me?Isn't Lulu a bit old to be wishing for a pie full of cream on Christmas day?
i'd cream her pie!
even if she is old enough to be my mother!
I'd love to give Lulu some Creampies
How rude!!! LOL thats the type of thing that pops into my head when I hear summin like that too.... what does that say about us???????
Is Pond's Cold Cream safe to use every day (moisturizer, face)?
i have very, very dry facial skin and i'm trying to get it back to normal but Cold Cream and Petroleum Jelly are the only two products that work well for me so i'm curious if these 'emollients' are good to use every day for dry skin. any feedback would be very, very helpful. thank you.Is Pond's Cold Cream safe to use every day (moisturizer, face)?
Girlfriend, you've gotten a lot of misleading advice on here...
You should know that cold creams are not moisturizers and are used to remove makeup, but, they don't thoroughly remove all the impurities and environmental aggressors at that. The best thing for removing makeup is to thoroughly cleanse your face followed by a toner, every morning and every night before bed. And last by not least apply a moisturizer (this protects your face from more dirt and oil). What is your current skin regime?
I personally used to use Ponds every night before bed and it's not the best, not even for it's purpose. I now know better. I use and love BeautiControl's M.R.P (maintenice, repair and protection) approch to skin care. My skin is super soft! BeautiControl's skin care is simply the best, just ask me why! And by the way BeautiControl has been around since 1981...
I recommend (from what I know about you so far) for your specific issues: Cell Block-C庐 P.M. Cell Protection (It's like a cold cream but, so much more)鈥?/a> %26amp; a really good moisturizer, like Skinlogics庐 Moisturizer (for those whose skin is acting in it's 20's).鈥?/a>
BeautiControl has skin care for everyone's idividual skin needs. If you have acne-prone skin there's a skin care set for that and if you have very sensitive skin (your skin gets easily reddish) there is skin care set for sensitive skin too. To get even the best results out of your skin regimen, I highly recommend selecting the best BeautiControl skin care regimen set for your skin needs. E-mail me and I will help you!Is Pond's Cold Cream safe to use every day (moisturizer, face)?
I used to use it everyday... nothing bad came of it.
ponds cream is good. but try dove soap daily its good
yes it is i would keep using it
ponds is a great cream and has been for alot of years. read more on skincare that will help you more on this site
well when i had gotten back from spain durning winter my skin got so dry so wat my mom told me is to put butter on for 30 minutes and wash it in the shower.........
My mother used it all her life(she is 80) and hardly has a wrinkle. I am 58 and have used since I was 14 or 15 and I have young looking skin. I think it is good to use. The best thing for removing makeup
it doesn't have any prescription?
Im not sure about the Ponds, but try olive oil. The more natural the better. Dont use it in the day time, rub it into your face at night before u sleep ur skin should be soft and supple in no time at all.It also helps to prevent germs and bacteria. Its wonderful stuff, also if u wax, rub it in afterwards, it stops those little pimples or red spots from appearing the next day.
try this product and you will never use anything else again鈥?/a>
That is so old skool but my mother swears by it. I'd kill to have skin like hers. Ponds doesn't work for me but I guess you can give it a try.
According to the instruction on the jar it is.
should be alright.
try clinique moiuster surge extra: thirsty skin relief. it works SO well. it'll keep your skin hydrated forever, is oil-free so it won't clog pores and isn't too heavy or thick.
it's not too expensive, it comes either a jar or bottle with a spray-head. the jar is meant for applying before make up and is $31 and lasts forever, while the bottle is meant for quick touch-ups when you're feeling too dry, and the bottle is $20. i would really suggest getting the jar, i take mine EVERYWHERE!
next time you're at the mall, stop at the clinique stand and tell them a friend reccommended you try it, and you want to try it for a few days before you buy it. they'll give you a sample to take home.
hope you like it!
u can use to some extent.Don't be adict
Forget petroleum jelly...that is made from some of the same chemicals as gasoline...petroleum!! Cold cream is made to remove makeup and other facial debris.
Go natural with Extra light virgin olive oil. Soothe it over your skin and rinse off excess. You can also use this as a bath/body oil.
Also not drinking enough fluids can make your skin dry.
That stuff would clog my pores. But I have very oily skin. I'm sure its safe for you since your skin is so dry.
YEP! also try Oil of Olay
Ponds cold cream is good...... avoid Petoleum Jelly..... y dont u try dove soap...... nivea moisturizing cream......
Yes it is, get the night time one, it works while you're sleeping. It feels oilier than the day time. Ponds has been around for years.
They're fine to use every day, so long as your skin is not sensitive to them. Personally, they make me break out. Best moisturizer I have ever found was LacHydrin (prescription).
It should be alright. Also do not use soap, use something like Cetaphil to retain moisture.
I've used petroleum jelly before since i have such dry skin especially in the winter time and it works wonders, it's just hella icky and my face feels really heavy; so i stopped using it...Burt's Bees products have great face stuff too and have enjoyed using themwedding makeup
Girlfriend, you've gotten a lot of misleading advice on here...
You should know that cold creams are not moisturizers and are used to remove makeup, but, they don't thoroughly remove all the impurities and environmental aggressors at that. The best thing for removing makeup is to thoroughly cleanse your face followed by a toner, every morning and every night before bed. And last by not least apply a moisturizer (this protects your face from more dirt and oil). What is your current skin regime?
I personally used to use Ponds every night before bed and it's not the best, not even for it's purpose. I now know better. I use and love BeautiControl's M.R.P (maintenice, repair and protection) approch to skin care. My skin is super soft! BeautiControl's skin care is simply the best, just ask me why! And by the way BeautiControl has been around since 1981...
I recommend (from what I know about you so far) for your specific issues: Cell Block-C庐 P.M. Cell Protection (It's like a cold cream but, so much more)鈥?/a> %26amp; a really good moisturizer, like Skinlogics庐 Moisturizer (for those whose skin is acting in it's 20's).鈥?/a>
BeautiControl has skin care for everyone's idividual skin needs. If you have acne-prone skin there's a skin care set for that and if you have very sensitive skin (your skin gets easily reddish) there is skin care set for sensitive skin too. To get even the best results out of your skin regimen, I highly recommend selecting the best BeautiControl skin care regimen set for your skin needs. E-mail me and I will help you!Is Pond's Cold Cream safe to use every day (moisturizer, face)?
I used to use it everyday... nothing bad came of it.
ponds cream is good. but try dove soap daily its good
yes it is i would keep using it
ponds is a great cream and has been for alot of years. read more on skincare that will help you more on this site
well when i had gotten back from spain durning winter my skin got so dry so wat my mom told me is to put butter on for 30 minutes and wash it in the shower.........
My mother used it all her life(she is 80) and hardly has a wrinkle. I am 58 and have used since I was 14 or 15 and I have young looking skin. I think it is good to use. The best thing for removing makeup
it doesn't have any prescription?
Im not sure about the Ponds, but try olive oil. The more natural the better. Dont use it in the day time, rub it into your face at night before u sleep ur skin should be soft and supple in no time at all.It also helps to prevent germs and bacteria. Its wonderful stuff, also if u wax, rub it in afterwards, it stops those little pimples or red spots from appearing the next day.
try this product and you will never use anything else again鈥?/a>
That is so old skool but my mother swears by it. I'd kill to have skin like hers. Ponds doesn't work for me but I guess you can give it a try.
According to the instruction on the jar it is.
should be alright.
try clinique moiuster surge extra: thirsty skin relief. it works SO well. it'll keep your skin hydrated forever, is oil-free so it won't clog pores and isn't too heavy or thick.
it's not too expensive, it comes either a jar or bottle with a spray-head. the jar is meant for applying before make up and is $31 and lasts forever, while the bottle is meant for quick touch-ups when you're feeling too dry, and the bottle is $20. i would really suggest getting the jar, i take mine EVERYWHERE!
next time you're at the mall, stop at the clinique stand and tell them a friend reccommended you try it, and you want to try it for a few days before you buy it. they'll give you a sample to take home.
hope you like it!
u can use to some extent.Don't be adict
Forget petroleum jelly...that is made from some of the same chemicals as gasoline...petroleum!! Cold cream is made to remove makeup and other facial debris.
Go natural with Extra light virgin olive oil. Soothe it over your skin and rinse off excess. You can also use this as a bath/body oil.
Also not drinking enough fluids can make your skin dry.
That stuff would clog my pores. But I have very oily skin. I'm sure its safe for you since your skin is so dry.
YEP! also try Oil of Olay
Ponds cold cream is good...... avoid Petoleum Jelly..... y dont u try dove soap...... nivea moisturizing cream......
Yes it is, get the night time one, it works while you're sleeping. It feels oilier than the day time. Ponds has been around for years.
They're fine to use every day, so long as your skin is not sensitive to them. Personally, they make me break out. Best moisturizer I have ever found was LacHydrin (prescription).
It should be alright. Also do not use soap, use something like Cetaphil to retain moisture.
I've used petroleum jelly before since i have such dry skin especially in the winter time and it works wonders, it's just hella icky and my face feels really heavy; so i stopped using it...Burt's Bees products have great face stuff too and have enjoyed using them
Should I make my valentines day cheesecake with government cheese or cream cheese?
i think the government cheese has gone badShould I make my valentines day cheesecake with government cheese or cream cheese?
gravy I thought it was gubmentShould I make my valentines day cheesecake with government cheese or cream cheese?
Cream cheese
Government cheese,'ll stay edible longer!
Cream cheese.
Anything involving the government is bad.
Government cheese... Save the cream cheese for bagels
Cream cheese
stick with cream cheese on this one...but, hay...i like gvmt cheese :)
Cream cheese and a little bit of sour cream. :)
I think you should stick with the cream cheese then.
Cream cheese please...
Cream Cheese is better!
Why would you want the government to be involved? You wouldn't want a corrupt cheesecake now would you? lol Make it cream cheese!
Yuck, goverment cheese. Use cream cheese
gravy I thought it was gubmentShould I make my valentines day cheesecake with government cheese or cream cheese?
Cream cheese
Government cheese,'ll stay edible longer!
Cream cheese.
Anything involving the government is bad.
Government cheese... Save the cream cheese for bagels
Cream cheese
stick with cream cheese on this one...but, hay...i like gvmt cheese :)
Cream cheese and a little bit of sour cream. :)
I think you should stick with the cream cheese then.
Cream cheese please...
Cream Cheese is better!
Why would you want the government to be involved? You wouldn't want a corrupt cheesecake now would you? lol Make it cream cheese!
Yuck, goverment cheese. Use cream cheese
Dow do you read a experation date on ice cream is the first or the day the expiration day says 06jan10?
january 6, 2010Dow do you read a experation date on ice cream is the first or the day the expiration day says 06jan10?
The date would be January 6, 2010. Some companies print the day right before the month, followed by the last two digits of the year.Dow do you read a experation date on ice cream is the first or the day the expiration day says 06jan10?
seperating the day and the year can avoid confusion. thats why the month is in the middle
probally just mis print its jan /06 /10
jan/06/2010 i think
The date would be January 6, 2010. Some companies print the day right before the month, followed by the last two digits of the year.Dow do you read a experation date on ice cream is the first or the day the expiration day says 06jan10?
seperating the day and the year can avoid confusion. thats why the month is in the middle
probally just mis print its jan /06 /10
jan/06/2010 i think
Looking for kids book - 2 dogs or bears? or dog & bear? doing different things all day then meet for ice cream
Not Big Dog Little Dog. I had this book in the mid- to late 1970s. All day the two animal friends would pursue different activities, e.g., one liked to race his bike, the other rode slowly, and so on - but at the end of each day (or once a week?), they met in the park for ice cream. Nothing earth-shattering but it was a favorite for me as a kid and I'd love to find a copy for my kids. Thanks!Looking for kids book - 2 dogs or bears? or dog %26amp; bear? doing different things all day then meet for ice cream
This is Beatrice Schenk De Regniers' book ';How Joe the Bear and Sam the Mouse Got Together,'; 1965. A Parent's Magazine Press Book. Joe the bear and Sam the Mouse can't agree on anything - Joe wants a big house, Sam a small one and so forth. Nothing they want to do is the same, until they both discover something very special they both like icecream!
Used copies are available here:鈥?/a>
This is Beatrice Schenk De Regniers' book ';How Joe the Bear and Sam the Mouse Got Together,'; 1965. A Parent's Magazine Press Book. Joe the bear and Sam the Mouse can't agree on anything - Joe wants a big house, Sam a small one and so forth. Nothing they want to do is the same, until they both discover something very special they both like icecream!
Used copies are available here:鈥?/a>
I am looking for a place to download this song called ';Terrible Day'; from the Ice Cream Album by Salad.
I have found lyrics but I can't seem to find where I can dowload it from AOL, Walmart, iTunes, Napster or even Limewire. I know I can just buy the CD from Amazon but I really just want the one song. Does anyone know another MP3 source I could try.I am looking for a place to download this song called ';Terrible Day'; from the Ice Cream Album by Salad.
Try here-鈥?/a>I am looking for a place to download this song called ';Terrible Day'; from the Ice Cream Album by Salad.
you can try
Try here-鈥?/a>I am looking for a place to download this song called ';Terrible Day'; from the Ice Cream Album by Salad.
you can try
I eat 3 large ice cream cones every day. is this bad for my health?
Its Edys slow churn 1/2 the fat French Silk. I am addicted to it.I eat 3 large ice cream cones every day. is this bad for my health?
OMG! Am I glad I found you. I'm a big fan of Edys French Silk too. Slow churned is the healthiest because of the way its processed...less fat. But 3 large scoops is too much everyday and you'll gain weight etc. Try 3 large tablespoons...which I do,almost daily. Just have a taste and sprinkle it with a few walnuts and a bit of chocolate syrup. That's enough. I'm not overweight either, but exercise most days.
Try Edy's Butter Pecan and Baby Ruth Bar crunch. but Frensilk is the best!I eat 3 large ice cream cones every day. is this bad for my health?
it aint bad for your bones
eventually you will gain weight
doesnt sound too bad if its half fat, but even so, you should vary your diet and just because there isnt much calorific content doesnt mean its of good nutritional quality.
Addiction is always bad. Cut down to one, or find a better ice cream to help curve the addiction.
Yes that is bad for your health. I'd try to limit your ice cream to only once a day, perhaps for dessert after dinner. If you simply can't do that, try twice a day, once after dinner and once after dessert. Even though you're giving your bones lots of calcium, the sugar intake is way too much! You're just going to end up with bad health problems sooner or later. Also, next time you eat it, look at the calories as well as the calories from fat.
Not to good, huh?
Good luck ridding yourself of this addiction.
I of all people know how delicious ice cream is, but think about it this way:
The less you eat it, the better it will taste each time you do. (:
Of course its bad for your health!!!!!!!!!! Just having one a day is bad but three? You gotta be kidding me. Having ONE once in a while is okay, but more than that is really bad for you. You have to find a balance.
Yes it is bad for your health...thats too much of one food for one day.
If you see no weight difference it could mean you have a high metabolism...but your teeth is another story..that's a lot of sugar, if you want to continue to eat all of that i suggest you brush your teeth after every eating...
If ice cream is all your eating you can have malnutrition and become very week... its suggested that you eat the right food groups everyday
wow and i cant even finish half an ice cream without feeling like i'm going t gain weight. Uhhhhhhhhhh yea thats bad for ur health u should cut it to three ice cream cones per week no matter how much fat it has, too much of good thing is bad 4 u. Hey look at the plus side atleast ur getting ur daily suply of calcium
OMG! Am I glad I found you. I'm a big fan of Edys French Silk too. Slow churned is the healthiest because of the way its processed...less fat. But 3 large scoops is too much everyday and you'll gain weight etc. Try 3 large tablespoons...which I do,almost daily. Just have a taste and sprinkle it with a few walnuts and a bit of chocolate syrup. That's enough. I'm not overweight either, but exercise most days.
Try Edy's Butter Pecan and Baby Ruth Bar crunch. but Frensilk is the best!I eat 3 large ice cream cones every day. is this bad for my health?
it aint bad for your bones
eventually you will gain weight
doesnt sound too bad if its half fat, but even so, you should vary your diet and just because there isnt much calorific content doesnt mean its of good nutritional quality.
Addiction is always bad. Cut down to one, or find a better ice cream to help curve the addiction.
Yes that is bad for your health. I'd try to limit your ice cream to only once a day, perhaps for dessert after dinner. If you simply can't do that, try twice a day, once after dinner and once after dessert. Even though you're giving your bones lots of calcium, the sugar intake is way too much! You're just going to end up with bad health problems sooner or later. Also, next time you eat it, look at the calories as well as the calories from fat.
Not to good, huh?
Good luck ridding yourself of this addiction.
I of all people know how delicious ice cream is, but think about it this way:
The less you eat it, the better it will taste each time you do. (:
Of course its bad for your health!!!!!!!!!! Just having one a day is bad but three? You gotta be kidding me. Having ONE once in a while is okay, but more than that is really bad for you. You have to find a balance.
Yes it is bad for your health...thats too much of one food for one day.
If you see no weight difference it could mean you have a high metabolism...but your teeth is another story..that's a lot of sugar, if you want to continue to eat all of that i suggest you brush your teeth after every eating...
If ice cream is all your eating you can have malnutrition and become very week... its suggested that you eat the right food groups everyday
wow and i cant even finish half an ice cream without feeling like i'm going t gain weight. Uhhhhhhhhhh yea thats bad for ur health u should cut it to three ice cream cones per week no matter how much fat it has, too much of good thing is bad 4 u. Hey look at the plus side atleast ur getting ur daily suply of calcium
Why does ice cream tastes so good on a hot day?
Sugary sweet, creamy, cold and delicious!Why does ice cream tastes so good on a hot day?
Becuase it's cold...Why does ice cream tastes so good on a hot day?
on a hot day, your body is warm, that means all the sugar in your bloodstream is being depleted. ice cream has a lot of sugar, and your taste buds recognize that sugar as good, and send that message to the brain and the brain says EAT! plus the fact that ice cream is cold. and its naturally delicious!wedding makeup
Becuase it's cold...Why does ice cream tastes so good on a hot day?
on a hot day, your body is warm, that means all the sugar in your bloodstream is being depleted. ice cream has a lot of sugar, and your taste buds recognize that sugar as good, and send that message to the brain and the brain says EAT! plus the fact that ice cream is cold. and its naturally delicious!
Ladies, which day/night cream is best ??
i am looking for a cream to purify my skin and leave it soft and sheer, i am pregnant and would like to bring the best of my skin, any recommendations are much appreciated
thank you very muchLadies, which day/night cream is best ??
i have a 6 week old and when i was pregnant my skin kept on changing from oily to dry i found the No7 hydra quench day and night sorbet worked best as its not as heavy as a cream but richer than a lotion i found it really good no matter what my skin was likeLadies, which day/night cream is best ??
I like Aveeno products. There is a whole range for the face and body. Some are called ';calming'; that help take out redness. They have serums, sunscreens, moisturizers, and cleansers, and all are at reasonable prices. Aveeno is at most drugstores/chemists/big box stores. I use the serum and day and night moisturizers myself.
Another product range that is good and easily available in the US and UK is Garnier. I use their products, too, and have been very pleased with the results and the pricing.
Liz Earle, Liz Earle, Liz Earle! I started using these product just over a year ago and my skin has improved dramatically. Her new Superskin moisturiser is amazing if you have v. dry skin.
the bodyshop Vitamin E day or night cream 拢5 for a tub. The tub is small but lasts for ages and is completely natural.
When I was pregnant I used YSL cream, it was fab on my face and I snuck some onto my tum too :)
It really doesn't make any difference which one. Just important to moisturise. I us Ultrabase - your local pharmacy can get it. Less than 拢2 for 50grm and it isn't greasy.
NO7 you can buy it at boots its fantastic
I only ever use E45, excellent
Elizabeth Arden has a fab range of creams that will make you look as fresh as a daisy!
no7 at boots and simple regeneration
thank you very muchLadies, which day/night cream is best ??
i have a 6 week old and when i was pregnant my skin kept on changing from oily to dry i found the No7 hydra quench day and night sorbet worked best as its not as heavy as a cream but richer than a lotion i found it really good no matter what my skin was likeLadies, which day/night cream is best ??
I like Aveeno products. There is a whole range for the face and body. Some are called ';calming'; that help take out redness. They have serums, sunscreens, moisturizers, and cleansers, and all are at reasonable prices. Aveeno is at most drugstores/chemists/big box stores. I use the serum and day and night moisturizers myself.
Another product range that is good and easily available in the US and UK is Garnier. I use their products, too, and have been very pleased with the results and the pricing.
Liz Earle, Liz Earle, Liz Earle! I started using these product just over a year ago and my skin has improved dramatically. Her new Superskin moisturiser is amazing if you have v. dry skin.
the bodyshop Vitamin E day or night cream 拢5 for a tub. The tub is small but lasts for ages and is completely natural.
When I was pregnant I used YSL cream, it was fab on my face and I snuck some onto my tum too :)
It really doesn't make any difference which one. Just important to moisturise. I us Ultrabase - your local pharmacy can get it. Less than 拢2 for 50grm and it isn't greasy.
NO7 you can buy it at boots its fantastic
I only ever use E45, excellent
Elizabeth Arden has a fab range of creams that will make you look as fresh as a daisy!
no7 at boots and simple regeneration
Is it okay to use day and night creams of different brands?
I was using a re-whitening day cream regularly, and then I recently bought a whitening night cream of a different company. I was wondering if I should drop the day cream, or is it okay to use it alongside as well??
I mean, one does need a moisturiser during the day, so why not? Its not gonna overdo with the whitening thing, is it? The ingredients added by different companies wont react or anything, would they?Is it okay to use day and night creams of different brands?
whatever brand turns you on - that's the one to use. Mixing them is ok, unless it specifically ';warns'; not to do that with a particular cream or somethin........... just always make sure that whatever it is you are doing or trying to accompish, don't overdo or end up regretful of your actions. Reading directions is always very beneficial on most things. good luck to ya.Is it okay to use day and night creams of different brands?
they is no problem
It is advised not to mix creams because they contain different amounts of different ingredients which may cause a reaction. Never tried it but this is what I heard on many reputable beauty sites and follow and I have no problem x
is not problem
no problem thurr.
I mean, one does need a moisturiser during the day, so why not? Its not gonna overdo with the whitening thing, is it? The ingredients added by different companies wont react or anything, would they?Is it okay to use day and night creams of different brands?
whatever brand turns you on - that's the one to use. Mixing them is ok, unless it specifically ';warns'; not to do that with a particular cream or somethin........... just always make sure that whatever it is you are doing or trying to accompish, don't overdo or end up regretful of your actions. Reading directions is always very beneficial on most things. good luck to ya.Is it okay to use day and night creams of different brands?
they is no problem
It is advised not to mix creams because they contain different amounts of different ingredients which may cause a reaction. Never tried it but this is what I heard on many reputable beauty sites and follow and I have no problem x
is not problem
no problem thurr.
Why does ice cream these days taste foamy?
It doesn't even seem cold. It's not like ice cream is supposed to taste. It should be firm and creamy. I can't stand it.Why does ice cream these days taste foamy?
its because to save money ice cream companies are whipping more air into their ice creams to make a batch go further they are also putting in additives so it can hold more airWhy does ice cream these days taste foamy?
finally someonee that agrees!
like the first person says the companies are whipping more air into it.
which to me destroys the purpose of icecream..
i just hate that when i eat some icecreams its not like cold and melty in your mouth its just like when u press it down it melts.
cant explain but ickk.
you should really try to make your own icecream, it isnt that expensive and it makes all the difference in taste.
stop buying the cheap crap... look for the air content and fat and cream content
It sounds like you bought cheap ice cream or it may have gone bad!
wtf kinda ice cream are you eating
mines creamy
its because to save money ice cream companies are whipping more air into their ice creams to make a batch go further they are also putting in additives so it can hold more airWhy does ice cream these days taste foamy?
finally someonee that agrees!
like the first person says the companies are whipping more air into it.
which to me destroys the purpose of icecream..
i just hate that when i eat some icecreams its not like cold and melty in your mouth its just like when u press it down it melts.
cant explain but ickk.
you should really try to make your own icecream, it isnt that expensive and it makes all the difference in taste.
stop buying the cheap crap... look for the air content and fat and cream content
It sounds like you bought cheap ice cream or it may have gone bad!
wtf kinda ice cream are you eating
mines creamy
Loreal perfect re-lighting day/ night cream?
Has any one used this loreal perfect re-lighting day/night cream? is it good or not? my complexion is very uneven..i have combination skin with many dry flakes now a days..which one should i get the day cream? or the night cream?Loreal perfect re-lighting day/ night cream?
i cant tell how it works from experience but i work at cvs ad have had multiple people return what im pretty sure is this product.
Has any one used this loreal perfect re-lighting day/night cream? is it good or not? my complexion is very uneven..i have combination skin with many dry flakes now a days..which one should i get the day cream? or the night cream?Loreal perfect re-lighting day/ night cream?
i cant tell how it works from experience but i work at cvs ad have had multiple people return what im pretty sure is this product.
Let's pretend I am selling ice cream cones from a cart on a very hot day. What flavor do you want?
oh am so hot ,I see my Prince with Ice cream hi a biggie cone and Lemon ice cream please,thank you keep the change and put it in your box 拢100Let's pretend I am selling ice cream cones from a cart on a very hot day. What flavor do you want?
Gabbie--chocolate chip cookie dough.
Mar--chocolate covered pretzel.
Jenn--Choocolate Hazelnut
Rosa--Mint and Chocolate Chips
Nay-Nay--Cookies and Cream
Namma-Butter Pecan
Aime-Rocky Road
yeah,we so just woke up from chick flick movie nite n decided 2 answer ths.
wind it up.Let's pretend I am selling ice cream cones from a cart on a very hot day. What flavor do you want?
Either mint chocolate chip or rainbow sherbet (am I the only one who pronounces it sure-bert, by the way?) from Rite-aid one a cake cone. Yum!
Or peppermint from Vic's ice cream in Sacramento or blueberry pomegranete from Blue Marble in Brooklyn
I don't really care as long as it's a huge one. Given the choice, I would have the Dairyland caramel crunch. This was made exclusively in Norfolk UK. Yummy. (Sadly, like many other businesses, Dairyland is no longer.)
If it's an ice cream cone I doubt you'd have anything other than plain (vanilla) and all the flavouring would come from something added - usually in the form of a very small ';99'; flake.
If it was that hot think I would go some where with air conditioning and set there and enjoy a ice cream. If I ate it I would have Chocolate Marshmallow or Heavenly Hash.
banana and choc chips with mint creme in the middle (tescos sold this for a short time please get intouch if you know if they still sell it!! ) i need it :(
vanilla! best refresher on a hot summer day :)
Vanilla and strawberry.
A strawberry cornetto please.
chocolate or vanilla. Classic flavors.
Chocolate lol plain chocolate, cause thats how exciting i am :)
Choccy Chip definetely!!
something fruity or mint chocolate chip ice cream
Vanilla please =]
Cookies n Cream.
Orange slush! Or lemon ice, or apple and grape granita...
do you take debit if you do ill get a chocolate and vanilla swirl
caramel/toffee flavour with a chocolate flake bar stuck in it
lemon meringue please
Strawberry flavour with cream on top. Yum yum
MMMMM Easy!!
Pecan %26amp; toffee. Now please :O)
is it that soft ice cream, if so than I want a big *** vanilla one right now ok?
double scoop cookies n cream and cookie dough
Don'T like ice-cream,but why its you I';ll have a vanilla99,
umm..def chocolate!! it's the only way to go!!
Gabbie--chocolate chip cookie dough.
Mar--chocolate covered pretzel.
Jenn--Choocolate Hazelnut
Rosa--Mint and Chocolate Chips
Nay-Nay--Cookies and Cream
Namma-Butter Pecan
Aime-Rocky Road
yeah,we so just woke up from chick flick movie nite n decided 2 answer ths.
wind it up.Let's pretend I am selling ice cream cones from a cart on a very hot day. What flavor do you want?
Either mint chocolate chip or rainbow sherbet (am I the only one who pronounces it sure-bert, by the way?) from Rite-aid one a cake cone. Yum!
Or peppermint from Vic's ice cream in Sacramento or blueberry pomegranete from Blue Marble in Brooklyn
I don't really care as long as it's a huge one. Given the choice, I would have the Dairyland caramel crunch. This was made exclusively in Norfolk UK. Yummy. (Sadly, like many other businesses, Dairyland is no longer.)
If it's an ice cream cone I doubt you'd have anything other than plain (vanilla) and all the flavouring would come from something added - usually in the form of a very small ';99'; flake.
If it was that hot think I would go some where with air conditioning and set there and enjoy a ice cream. If I ate it I would have Chocolate Marshmallow or Heavenly Hash.
banana and choc chips with mint creme in the middle (tescos sold this for a short time please get intouch if you know if they still sell it!! ) i need it :(
vanilla! best refresher on a hot summer day :)
Vanilla and strawberry.
A strawberry cornetto please.
chocolate or vanilla. Classic flavors.
Chocolate lol plain chocolate, cause thats how exciting i am :)
Choccy Chip definetely!!
something fruity or mint chocolate chip ice cream
Vanilla please =]
Cookies n Cream.
Orange slush! Or lemon ice, or apple and grape granita...
do you take debit if you do ill get a chocolate and vanilla swirl
caramel/toffee flavour with a chocolate flake bar stuck in it
lemon meringue please
Strawberry flavour with cream on top. Yum yum
MMMMM Easy!!
Pecan %26amp; toffee. Now please :O)
is it that soft ice cream, if so than I want a big *** vanilla one right now ok?
double scoop cookies n cream and cookie dough
Don'T like ice-cream,but why its you I';ll have a vanilla99,
umm..def chocolate!! it's the only way to go!!
I cant help but eat ice cream every day its becoming a bad habit help ??
i always have cravings 4 ice cream but recently thats almost all i eat
i'm 16 years old %26amp; weigh 60 kg and dont seem 2 put on weight cause of it either ??
how can i get out of this bad habit???I cant help but eat ice cream every day its becoming a bad habit help ??
smaller portions....then try to go every other day...then maybe every couple daysI cant help but eat ice cream every day its becoming a bad habit help ??
ohhh you are in the same boat as i am. Try to wean off it with Luigi's Italian Ice (lemon flavor is best). Or chew gum every time you want ice cream. You're young, and have a fast metabolism. If you keep it up, it won't only be unhealthy to your body, but can possibly result in weight gain (and even diabetes) later in life.
I LOVE ice cream, it's totally a weak point for me. Reduce your quantity each time you eat it (three scoops to only two, two to one, etc)...switch to popsicles, sugar free popsicles, hershey's single bite candies, or just try to substitute it with healthier foods, like strawberries with a teensie bit of sugar on them.
unless you want to gain a whole lot of weight, you better stop!
stop looking at it in the store, don't go into the isle of ice cream.
Don't worry about it your young eat what you want. You can burn it off faster than myself who is 35. Takes lots of time for us old fok to burn fat.
ice cream can be a good source of dairy. it's not bad to eat it. just remember portion size.
How often do you eat it? everyday? Try skipping one day. Then two. Then eventually having it once a week to a few times a month.
I've been rarely eating junk food and I find this is the best way to give it up.
I had one chocolate bar yesterday and i just thought 'why am i eating this? i'm feeling nothing from it.'; so i basically stopped being addicted and now i can't even enjoy it as a treat. i do crave foods, but eat it in moderation and you should be fine.
it doesn't matter if you don't gain weight too much ice cream is unhealthy for you.
try frozen yoghurt
or eating icewedding makeup
i'm 16 years old %26amp; weigh 60 kg and dont seem 2 put on weight cause of it either ??
how can i get out of this bad habit???I cant help but eat ice cream every day its becoming a bad habit help ??
smaller portions....then try to go every other day...then maybe every couple daysI cant help but eat ice cream every day its becoming a bad habit help ??
ohhh you are in the same boat as i am. Try to wean off it with Luigi's Italian Ice (lemon flavor is best). Or chew gum every time you want ice cream. You're young, and have a fast metabolism. If you keep it up, it won't only be unhealthy to your body, but can possibly result in weight gain (and even diabetes) later in life.
I LOVE ice cream, it's totally a weak point for me. Reduce your quantity each time you eat it (three scoops to only two, two to one, etc)...switch to popsicles, sugar free popsicles, hershey's single bite candies, or just try to substitute it with healthier foods, like strawberries with a teensie bit of sugar on them.
unless you want to gain a whole lot of weight, you better stop!
stop looking at it in the store, don't go into the isle of ice cream.
Don't worry about it your young eat what you want. You can burn it off faster than myself who is 35. Takes lots of time for us old fok to burn fat.
ice cream can be a good source of dairy. it's not bad to eat it. just remember portion size.
How often do you eat it? everyday? Try skipping one day. Then two. Then eventually having it once a week to a few times a month.
I've been rarely eating junk food and I find this is the best way to give it up.
I had one chocolate bar yesterday and i just thought 'why am i eating this? i'm feeling nothing from it.'; so i basically stopped being addicted and now i can't even enjoy it as a treat. i do crave foods, but eat it in moderation and you should be fine.
it doesn't matter if you don't gain weight too much ice cream is unhealthy for you.
try frozen yoghurt
or eating ice
Hot chocolate on a cold day or ice-cream on a hot day?
hot chocolate on a cold dayHot chocolate on a cold day or ice-cream on a hot day?
Oooh, I love hot chocolate on a cold day. I love that you can feel it warm your insides! :D But it's hard to choose!Hot chocolate on a cold day or ice-cream on a hot day?
Nats turned into a pussy. Hot chocolate.
hot chocolate. :)
mmm hot chocolate, if it wasnt summer id prolly drink some now, haha :)
Ice-cream on a hot day!
Without a doubt!
Hot chocolate. The ice cream melts.
Ice Cream on a Hot Day;
No more Cold days for me....!!
Ice Cream on a Hot Day, I luv Ice Cream!!!
Ice cream on a hot day.
chocolate ice cream on a hot day
ice-cream on a hot day
Hot chocolate on a cold day! warms my tummy!
i Luv both...:D
Oooh, I love hot chocolate on a cold day. I love that you can feel it warm your insides! :D But it's hard to choose!Hot chocolate on a cold day or ice-cream on a hot day?
Nats turned into a pussy. Hot chocolate.
hot chocolate. :)
mmm hot chocolate, if it wasnt summer id prolly drink some now, haha :)
Ice-cream on a hot day!
Without a doubt!
Hot chocolate. The ice cream melts.
Ice Cream on a Hot Day;
No more Cold days for me....!!
Ice Cream on a Hot Day, I luv Ice Cream!!!
Ice cream on a hot day.
chocolate ice cream on a hot day
ice-cream on a hot day
Hot chocolate on a cold day! warms my tummy!
i Luv both...:D
I'm making a cream cheese frosted cake a day before serving, do I need to store it in the fridge?
Yes, you need to store it in the fridge as it has dairy products in it and could sour. It will harden while in the fridge but just set it out on the counter about an hour before you plan on eating it. Remember that you need to cover it also so that it doesn't take on the taste of other things in the fridge.
Enjoy!I'm making a cream cheese frosted cake a day before serving, do I need to store it in the fridge?
yes you should coz you are using cream cheese in the frosting.I'm making a cream cheese frosted cake a day before serving, do I need to store it in the fridge?
I agree I would
I would
Enjoy!I'm making a cream cheese frosted cake a day before serving, do I need to store it in the fridge?
yes you should coz you are using cream cheese in the frosting.I'm making a cream cheese frosted cake a day before serving, do I need to store it in the fridge?
I agree I would
I would
Best day lotion/cream for face with SPF ...?
For combination skin, that u can find in a drugstore... ?Best day lotion/cream for face with SPF ...?
Try Oil of Olay. I loved it but it is a bit too expensive.Best day lotion/cream for face with SPF ...?
I use aveeno positively radiant it's a bit pricey around 20 but they have spf of 30.
I agree got to be Olay! It's worth every cent. Never too early to start protecting your skin.
Try Clean and Clear Morning Burst
Try Oil of Olay. I loved it but it is a bit too expensive.Best day lotion/cream for face with SPF ...?
I use aveeno positively radiant it's a bit pricey around 20 but they have spf of 30.
I agree got to be Olay! It's worth every cent. Never too early to start protecting your skin.
Try Clean and Clear Morning Burst
I want to know about ';kony day & night beauty cream'; which website?
how i can order that cream for my face?I want to know about ';kony day %26amp; night beauty cream'; which website?
Doing a quick Google search, it doesn't look like that product exists. If you're looking for some good skin care products, you might want to try Mary Kay. : )
Doing a quick Google search, it doesn't look like that product exists. If you're looking for some good skin care products, you might want to try Mary Kay. : )
Has ice cream ever cheered you up or helped get you through the day?
for me vanilla helpedHas ice cream ever cheered you up or helped get you through the day?
no, but if it did it would be peanutbutter cup /pernutbutter icream in 1!!!!!Has ice cream ever cheered you up or helped get you through the day?
Ice cream, fudge cake, chocolate chip cookies, candies....I have had them all for that purpose !
Yes it actually has, it's much better when you share it with another. That is guaranteed to get you through the day/night.
Turning to food for help always makes me feel bloated and gross.. Running or pilates on the other hand can turn a bad day around for me :)
I usually just head down to the biker/metal head bar. They specialize in tequila. A couple Bloody Maria cocktails (Bloody Mary with tequila instead of vodka) and everything's just peachy. Then I bum a ride home on the back of a Harley with someone who is sober. That makes life beautiful!
Less calories than a gallon of Chocolate Malted Crunch, that's for sure!
It will always cheer me up, but I will balloon up too. I have stopped eating ice-cream but the scoops. I just take it by a spoonful.
no, but if it did it would be peanutbutter cup /pernutbutter icream in 1!!!!!Has ice cream ever cheered you up or helped get you through the day?
Ice cream, fudge cake, chocolate chip cookies, candies....I have had them all for that purpose !
Yes it actually has, it's much better when you share it with another. That is guaranteed to get you through the day/night.
Turning to food for help always makes me feel bloated and gross.. Running or pilates on the other hand can turn a bad day around for me :)
I usually just head down to the biker/metal head bar. They specialize in tequila. A couple Bloody Maria cocktails (Bloody Mary with tequila instead of vodka) and everything's just peachy. Then I bum a ride home on the back of a Harley with someone who is sober. That makes life beautiful!
Less calories than a gallon of Chocolate Malted Crunch, that's for sure!
It will always cheer me up, but I will balloon up too. I have stopped eating ice-cream but the scoops. I just take it by a spoonful.
Let's have some fun: If the President announced a free Ice Cream day for ...?
Social and Economically disadvantaged groups what would be the Liberal response?Let's have some fun: If the President announced a free Ice Cream day for ...?
Damn Bush, the kids only got 2 flavors. He is a racist hatemonger who did this just to torment the strawberry icecream lovers.
';Bush mocks lactose intolerent kids by giving their friends icecream';Let's have some fun: If the President announced a free Ice Cream day for ...?
I believe a lot of outspoken people would suggest rather than give them free icecream, give them something they have some use for, like healthy food, or adequate housing.
I would go eat a free ice cream, you could come to as long as we don't discuss politics, we would get along. If you bring it up I will bring up his record, who is going to like that.
Edit: I didn't have that much fun answering this question.
We'll be handing out napkins to you. To wipe your hands and individual coins with because you confiscated the ice-cream and hid them in your pockets.
Remember, you don't like ice-cream or sex and you don't want anyone else to have some.
Make mine chocolate.
They'd hate it of course. Anything the president does, good or bad, they makeup
Damn Bush, the kids only got 2 flavors. He is a racist hatemonger who did this just to torment the strawberry icecream lovers.
';Bush mocks lactose intolerent kids by giving their friends icecream';Let's have some fun: If the President announced a free Ice Cream day for ...?
I believe a lot of outspoken people would suggest rather than give them free icecream, give them something they have some use for, like healthy food, or adequate housing.
I would go eat a free ice cream, you could come to as long as we don't discuss politics, we would get along. If you bring it up I will bring up his record, who is going to like that.
Edit: I didn't have that much fun answering this question.
We'll be handing out napkins to you. To wipe your hands and individual coins with because you confiscated the ice-cream and hid them in your pockets.
Remember, you don't like ice-cream or sex and you don't want anyone else to have some.
Make mine chocolate.
They'd hate it of course. Anything the president does, good or bad, they hate.
Ice Cream Day...Naval bootcamp?
My brother which is in the Navy said when he was in Great Lakes for boot during winter his D.I. hyped all the recruits for two weeks about ice cream day and when the day came the D.I. walked out with a single bowl of ice cream and told them to do exercises until the ice cream melted, which of course it didn't since Great Lakes is cold during the winter, but he said the reason his D.I. did this was to see how far his recruits would go, I find it funny that all the recruits were probably looking towards getting ice cream and then they found out they had to exercise, but it sounds way to far-fetched to me, is there any truth to this, did anyone get a D.I. that did that, or is my brother just pulling my leg?Ice Cream Day...Naval bootcamp?
You wouldn't believe some things they come up with. We had two females sneak and get a soda in the barracks after we were suppose to be in our 'racks' (of course off limits). Well they got caught, the DI bought them two sodas made them sit in front of us and we (the other 'shipmates') were made to exercise until THEY finished their sodas. You would think they would have guzzled the sodas...HA they have the nerve to take their time. There are many stories EACH person has to tell...they sound far fetched, but the more far fetched, usually the better...just gives other things to add to their list of 'torture'.Ice Cream Day...Naval bootcamp?
sounds like a stunt a DI would pull just to get some xtra effort out of everyone, but i went to boot in San Diego, so it would have melted in a heartbeat~!
Yes, it's real and they still do that one.
If recruits really mess up, the D.I. might tell them that they 'need to make it rain', and they'll PT them in their barracks to the point that condensation forms on the ceiling.
Lol, that is nothing.
You wouldn't believe some things they come up with. We had two females sneak and get a soda in the barracks after we were suppose to be in our 'racks' (of course off limits). Well they got caught, the DI bought them two sodas made them sit in front of us and we (the other 'shipmates') were made to exercise until THEY finished their sodas. You would think they would have guzzled the sodas...HA they have the nerve to take their time. There are many stories EACH person has to tell...they sound far fetched, but the more far fetched, usually the better...just gives other things to add to their list of 'torture'.Ice Cream Day...Naval bootcamp?
sounds like a stunt a DI would pull just to get some xtra effort out of everyone, but i went to boot in San Diego, so it would have melted in a heartbeat~!
Yes, it's real and they still do that one.
If recruits really mess up, the D.I. might tell them that they 'need to make it rain', and they'll PT them in their barracks to the point that condensation forms on the ceiling.
Lol, that is nothing.
What is your favorite soda pop? Chip? dip? Cereal? Soap? Perfume? Can food? MEAT? Ice cream? Day to have sex?
DENTIST?What is your favorite soda pop? Chip? dip? Cereal? Soap? Perfume? Can food? MEAT? Ice cream? Day to have sex?
Am I really THIS bored??!?!?!
soda---sierra mist
chip---Sour Cream and Onion Lay's
dip---kraft cheddar and bacon
cereal---smart start
soap---bath and body works
can food---spaghetti o's
ice cream---godiva
day to have sex---any day is good
dentist---a local dentist that I think is amazing!What is your favorite soda pop? Chip? dip? Cereal? Soap? Perfume? Can food? MEAT? Ice cream? Day to have sex?
I will, Thanks :-) Report Abuse
soda pop can live without, chip%26amp;dip hardly touch it... cereal whoopie... Soap wash every day. perfume whatever I get for christmas....can food, whatever in the cupboard, meat chicken , fish.... day to have sex ..EVERYDAY.... keeps me young.
why are we going to date?
Barq's rootbeer
Ranch doritos
Rojo's salsa
Quaker oat sqaures (with a touch of brown sugar!)
Ivory moisturizer
jovan musk
kipper snacks
turkey roast
chocolate chip cookie dough
Don't like the dentist. I have good teeth because I don't drink tap water.
fave soda? Dr. Pepper diet cherry vanilla
Chip? Wise honey BBQ
Dip? Spinach dip
Ceareal ?Cheerios
Soap? Dove
Perfume? Intuition
Canned food? dinty moore beef stew
Meat Chicken
Ice cream? Vanilla fudge twirl
Day for Sex? Wednesday
Dentist? Dr. Oken
grape, ruffles the works, herb and spice dip, capn crunch, lavender glycerine soap, chanel no. 5, canned corn, chicken, neopolitan. Don't like the dentist
Pepsi, KC Masterpiece, Helluvagood French Onion, Fruity Pebbles, Irish Spring original scent, Apricot halves, Ham, Breyers Ice Cream Shoppe Reese Peanut Butter Cup, All day every day!!
Jones brand sodas
Garlic and Parmesian potatoe chips by poore brothers
coooooookie crisp
Lever 2000
guy = very sexy girl = i dont know, i like em all
chef boyaredee
a rainy day
favorite day to have sex , morningday,afternoonday, eveningday,nightday,and anytimeoftheday
dr. pepper
ruffles';cheddar cheese and sour cream'; chips.
cap n' crunch
lever 2000
armani code
green beans
prailines n' cream
any day,lol and what about my dentist? i hope everybody has one.
Hansen's All Natural Tangerine Lime
Fritos dipped in French onion dip
3-way tie between Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Cracklin' Oat Bran
Tone scent Mango
Ralph Lauren Romance
Campbell's tomato soup
don't eat meat. my fave veg meat is fake chicken nuggets
Starbucks Coffee Almond Fudge
My dentist Dr Alicia Robertson, DDS
Regular Coke, KC Masterpiece Lays, French Onion (but with plain Lays), Lucky Charms, Lever 2000, Chanel No.5, tuna fish, beef (steaks!), Dreyers Drumstick ice cream (has all the bits of a drumstick mixed into the tub, like peanuts and cone pieces, Sunday, Dr. Tennyson (my pediatric dentist from 30 years ago).
Dr. Pepper, Lays, Sour Cream/Chive, Cheerios, Bath %26amp; Body Works White Cherry Blossom, Ralph Lauren Romance, Green Beans, Hamburger, Ben %26amp; Jerry's Chubby Hubby, Sunday, I hate all dentists.
Diet pepsi, ortega, cookie crisp, suave, don't wear, tuna, Steak, Pepperment bon bon, Anyday.
Would you like my ss# also!! Maybe the keys to my car!!! You can`t have my Harley though!!
Coke, don't like chips and dip, Frosted Flakes, Camay, Lovely, canned corn, steak, vanilla, any, and in process of finding a new dentist.
Diet Coke/Pepsi or Mountain Dew.
Lays or Wise; unsalted.
Candies; Cupcake.
None (Vegetarian)
Cookie Dough.
None. xD (I'm 13)
My own.
dr.pepper, doritos, this one kind my mom makes, lucky charms, cucumber melon scented, chanel no. 5, idk, hamburger, chocolate chip cookie dough, anyday, idk
black pearl
sketty os
pork chops
tin roof sundae
Dr Pepper, Plain ripple chips (the cheap ones) with top the tater for dip, Cocco Puffs, dove, not sure the name of it, it has worn off the bottle, salsa, roast beast, phish food, sundays
Cherry Coke
Sour cream and Cheddar Ruffles
Spinach Dip
Honey bunches of oats
Byers mint choc chip
Soda - Dr. Pepper
Chip - Doritos Cool Ranch
Dip - Salsa
Cereal - Apple Jacks
Soap - Dial
Cologne - Curve
Can Food - Corned Beef Hash
Meat - Steak
Ice Cream - Cookies N Cream
Day To Have Sex - Everyday
mountain dew old dutch plain potatoe chips, french onion, co-co puffs,dove sensitive,cool water, vegetable beef soup cambells, hamburger,chocolate,any day,yes of course
Diet Coke, tortilla, french onion, cheerios, dial, dunno, soup, steak, rocky road, Tuesday, mine.
Mountain Dew, Doritos, Cheese, Cinnamon Life, Dove, Chanel #5, I don't eat can food, chicken, cotton candy, I don't
mountain pop,cheddar chesse,chesse,fruity pebbles,dove,amber white,none,cookies andcream,any day wit you is good
Am I really THIS bored??!?!?!
soda---sierra mist
chip---Sour Cream and Onion Lay's
dip---kraft cheddar and bacon
cereal---smart start
soap---bath and body works
can food---spaghetti o's
ice cream---godiva
day to have sex---any day is good
dentist---a local dentist that I think is amazing!What is your favorite soda pop? Chip? dip? Cereal? Soap? Perfume? Can food? MEAT? Ice cream? Day to have sex?
I will, Thanks :-) Report Abuse
soda pop can live without, chip%26amp;dip hardly touch it... cereal whoopie... Soap wash every day. perfume whatever I get for christmas....can food, whatever in the cupboard, meat chicken , fish.... day to have sex ..EVERYDAY.... keeps me young.
why are we going to date?
Barq's rootbeer
Ranch doritos
Rojo's salsa
Quaker oat sqaures (with a touch of brown sugar!)
Ivory moisturizer
jovan musk
kipper snacks
turkey roast
chocolate chip cookie dough
Don't like the dentist. I have good teeth because I don't drink tap water.
fave soda? Dr. Pepper diet cherry vanilla
Chip? Wise honey BBQ
Dip? Spinach dip
Ceareal ?Cheerios
Soap? Dove
Perfume? Intuition
Canned food? dinty moore beef stew
Meat Chicken
Ice cream? Vanilla fudge twirl
Day for Sex? Wednesday
Dentist? Dr. Oken
grape, ruffles the works, herb and spice dip, capn crunch, lavender glycerine soap, chanel no. 5, canned corn, chicken, neopolitan. Don't like the dentist
Pepsi, KC Masterpiece, Helluvagood French Onion, Fruity Pebbles, Irish Spring original scent, Apricot halves, Ham, Breyers Ice Cream Shoppe Reese Peanut Butter Cup, All day every day!!
Jones brand sodas
Garlic and Parmesian potatoe chips by poore brothers
coooooookie crisp
Lever 2000
guy = very sexy girl = i dont know, i like em all
chef boyaredee
a rainy day
favorite day to have sex , morningday,afternoonday, eveningday,nightday,and anytimeoftheday
dr. pepper
ruffles';cheddar cheese and sour cream'; chips.
cap n' crunch
lever 2000
armani code
green beans
prailines n' cream
any day,lol and what about my dentist? i hope everybody has one.
Hansen's All Natural Tangerine Lime
Fritos dipped in French onion dip
3-way tie between Reese's Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Cracklin' Oat Bran
Tone scent Mango
Ralph Lauren Romance
Campbell's tomato soup
don't eat meat. my fave veg meat is fake chicken nuggets
Starbucks Coffee Almond Fudge
My dentist Dr Alicia Robertson, DDS
Regular Coke, KC Masterpiece Lays, French Onion (but with plain Lays), Lucky Charms, Lever 2000, Chanel No.5, tuna fish, beef (steaks!), Dreyers Drumstick ice cream (has all the bits of a drumstick mixed into the tub, like peanuts and cone pieces, Sunday, Dr. Tennyson (my pediatric dentist from 30 years ago).
Dr. Pepper, Lays, Sour Cream/Chive, Cheerios, Bath %26amp; Body Works White Cherry Blossom, Ralph Lauren Romance, Green Beans, Hamburger, Ben %26amp; Jerry's Chubby Hubby, Sunday, I hate all dentists.
Diet pepsi, ortega, cookie crisp, suave, don't wear, tuna, Steak, Pepperment bon bon, Anyday.
Would you like my ss# also!! Maybe the keys to my car!!! You can`t have my Harley though!!
Coke, don't like chips and dip, Frosted Flakes, Camay, Lovely, canned corn, steak, vanilla, any, and in process of finding a new dentist.
Diet Coke/Pepsi or Mountain Dew.
Lays or Wise; unsalted.
Candies; Cupcake.
None (Vegetarian)
Cookie Dough.
None. xD (I'm 13)
My own.
dr.pepper, doritos, this one kind my mom makes, lucky charms, cucumber melon scented, chanel no. 5, idk, hamburger, chocolate chip cookie dough, anyday, idk
black pearl
sketty os
pork chops
tin roof sundae
Dr Pepper, Plain ripple chips (the cheap ones) with top the tater for dip, Cocco Puffs, dove, not sure the name of it, it has worn off the bottle, salsa, roast beast, phish food, sundays
Cherry Coke
Sour cream and Cheddar Ruffles
Spinach Dip
Honey bunches of oats
Byers mint choc chip
Soda - Dr. Pepper
Chip - Doritos Cool Ranch
Dip - Salsa
Cereal - Apple Jacks
Soap - Dial
Cologne - Curve
Can Food - Corned Beef Hash
Meat - Steak
Ice Cream - Cookies N Cream
Day To Have Sex - Everyday
mountain dew old dutch plain potatoe chips, french onion, co-co puffs,dove sensitive,cool water, vegetable beef soup cambells, hamburger,chocolate,any day,yes of course
Diet Coke, tortilla, french onion, cheerios, dial, dunno, soup, steak, rocky road, Tuesday, mine.
Mountain Dew, Doritos, Cheese, Cinnamon Life, Dove, Chanel #5, I don't eat can food, chicken, cotton candy, I don't
mountain pop,cheddar chesse,chesse,fruity pebbles,dove,amber white,none,cookies andcream,any day wit you is good
Why is with the texture of ice cream these days?
It's not firm. It's all whipped and airy. It used to be you had to let ice cream sit on the counter to thaw a bit. Now you just scoop into it and it melts while your dishing it up. It doesn't even taste cold or creamy. It's icky.Why is with the texture of ice cream these days?
I was watching a food network program and they had a thing on ice cream and how it was made. They use a lot of air to whip it up so you can scoop it out. Go figure! Cheap the consumer again. What I do is look for the same size container like a pint and weight on a scale at the grocery or just put in my had and see which one is heavier. I have to remember it's my money not theirs. I ice cream not air. They can blow it out their ears.Why is with the texture of ice cream these days?
It all depends on the brand and other variables in the brand of ice cream that you buy....But in this particular case it sound like your freezer isn't COLD enough...and make sure that you keep the ice cream COLD on the way home from the store..You can look into the ice cream books at the library for more info...It also depends on how the ice cream is made and also what it is made out of. I hope this helps..
Try some Dreyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. I think it might also be called Eddy's in some states. As long as you don't get the whipped option it's really good. You could also try going to a Cold Stone Creamery store. I love their ice cream and you can get anything you want mixed into it and either eat it there or get packed in a pint and take it home.
It is icky, but it depends on what brand of ice cream you buy - and how cold your freezer is. Is your freezer cold enough? Usually it's either way too firm or incredible creamy.
I dont like ice cream thats favorite ice cream company is COLD STONES. its so creamy and rich......i love banana with twix in it.
some do some don't.
buy haagen dazs its made with cream
I was watching a food network program and they had a thing on ice cream and how it was made. They use a lot of air to whip it up so you can scoop it out. Go figure! Cheap the consumer again. What I do is look for the same size container like a pint and weight on a scale at the grocery or just put in my had and see which one is heavier. I have to remember it's my money not theirs. I ice cream not air. They can blow it out their ears.Why is with the texture of ice cream these days?
It all depends on the brand and other variables in the brand of ice cream that you buy....But in this particular case it sound like your freezer isn't COLD enough...and make sure that you keep the ice cream COLD on the way home from the store..You can look into the ice cream books at the library for more info...It also depends on how the ice cream is made and also what it is made out of. I hope this helps..
Try some Dreyer's Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. I think it might also be called Eddy's in some states. As long as you don't get the whipped option it's really good. You could also try going to a Cold Stone Creamery store. I love their ice cream and you can get anything you want mixed into it and either eat it there or get packed in a pint and take it home.
It is icky, but it depends on what brand of ice cream you buy - and how cold your freezer is. Is your freezer cold enough? Usually it's either way too firm or incredible creamy.
I dont like ice cream thats favorite ice cream company is COLD STONES. its so creamy and rich......i love banana with twix in it.
some do some don't.
buy haagen dazs its made with cream
Is the yeast cream from a 3 day treatment suppose to come out?
** if so what does it mean if it doesnt?Is the yeast cream from a 3 day treatment suppose to come out?
It's normal for the cream to leave your body as vaginal loss on a mini pad.
It has done the work of treating the fungal infection of the candida which was coating the vaginal walls.
If it doesn't come out then it's been absorbed %26amp; will not cause you any harm.
You need to treat your sexual partner as well or you will be passing the fungal infection back %26amp; forth between you.
The important thing is that it's cured your symptoms, if it hasn't then you %26amp; your partner need to use another form of treatment. Some people react better to 1 type of thrush treatment than another. There are several brands on the market, all equally effective %26amp; there are 3 forms it is manufactured in. Cream, Pessaries or Oral.
wedding makeup
It's normal for the cream to leave your body as vaginal loss on a mini pad.
It has done the work of treating the fungal infection of the candida which was coating the vaginal walls.
If it doesn't come out then it's been absorbed %26amp; will not cause you any harm.
You need to treat your sexual partner as well or you will be passing the fungal infection back %26amp; forth between you.
The important thing is that it's cured your symptoms, if it hasn't then you %26amp; your partner need to use another form of treatment. Some people react better to 1 type of thrush treatment than another. There are several brands on the market, all equally effective %26amp; there are 3 forms it is manufactured in. Cream, Pessaries or Oral.
Is eating ice cream every day bad for you?
No, but you might want to watch how much. It is a good for its calcium and such.Is eating ice cream every day bad for you?
Hope notIs eating ice cream every day bad for you?
In moderation, most things can be considered OK. If you eat a moderate serving of ice cream a couple of times a week, it's probably not going to hurt you. However, eating too much is not good. Also, watch out for that sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes. Try replacing your ice cream with fruit sherbert a couple of times a week. It's lower in calories and slightly healthier.
Good source of calcium. Eating the suggested portion will help. However eating half a carton wouldn't be good. Also try the reduced calorie/sugar free types for an even healthier option.
No. Actually eating ice cream is better than drinking a soda. Lot of good stuff in ice cream. Just don't eat the whole container at once.
I actually was on a diet once, where you got 1/2 cup of ice cream after your dinner. Now there was also a banana during the day too. I got real good at making different flavors out of what was on that diet. lol
It's not bad at all. Everything depends on the size of the portion.
good question i dont know
i think it could be bad for you...
but everyone's different
I once ate ice-cream every single day for a week and i had to deal with diaheria.
It's high in saturated fat, which should be reserved for occasional consumption,not part of your daily dietary needs (at least the amount in ice cream, it's inevitable you will get some bad fat in your diet with the choices in the USA).
It depends on how much of it and what kinds you are eating every day. It also depends on what else you are eating. It is all a fat to exercise ratio.
wouldn't say it is, the man that invented baskin and robbins died from eating the ice cream everyday.
it probabaly is bad
Hope notIs eating ice cream every day bad for you?
In moderation, most things can be considered OK. If you eat a moderate serving of ice cream a couple of times a week, it's probably not going to hurt you. However, eating too much is not good. Also, watch out for that sugar. Eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes. Try replacing your ice cream with fruit sherbert a couple of times a week. It's lower in calories and slightly healthier.
Good source of calcium. Eating the suggested portion will help. However eating half a carton wouldn't be good. Also try the reduced calorie/sugar free types for an even healthier option.
No. Actually eating ice cream is better than drinking a soda. Lot of good stuff in ice cream. Just don't eat the whole container at once.
I actually was on a diet once, where you got 1/2 cup of ice cream after your dinner. Now there was also a banana during the day too. I got real good at making different flavors out of what was on that diet. lol
It's not bad at all. Everything depends on the size of the portion.
good question i dont know
i think it could be bad for you...
but everyone's different
I once ate ice-cream every single day for a week and i had to deal with diaheria.
It's high in saturated fat, which should be reserved for occasional consumption,not part of your daily dietary needs (at least the amount in ice cream, it's inevitable you will get some bad fat in your diet with the choices in the USA).
It depends on how much of it and what kinds you are eating every day. It also depends on what else you are eating. It is all a fat to exercise ratio.
wouldn't say it is, the man that invented baskin and robbins died from eating the ice cream everyday.
it probabaly is bad
I got stung one day by a bee while i was eating a cadbury cream egg outside. Wow, can you believe that?
That is hard to believe dude. How can a precious, innocent bee sting someone eating cadbury cream egg....Unbelievable. This could make the guinness book of world records. Have a great day!I got stung one day by a bee while i was eating a cadbury cream egg outside. Wow, can you believe that?
are you implying that one event caused the other, or that this is a suspicious coincindence?
What if you were not eating a cabury cream egg, but were instead combing your hair. Would your question then be:
I got stung one day by a bee while i was combing my hair outside. Wow, can you believe that?I got stung one day by a bee while i was eating a cadbury cream egg outside. Wow, can you believe that?
Didn't you read the warning label? Bees are attracted to cream eggs, and Cadbury accepts no responsibility when consumers are stung.
I can believe it. If this event repeats itself in future, scratch the bee stinger off with a credit card, buck up, and finish your cream egg.
It's a good way to live.
Yes i can.If i were a bee i'd sting you as well.
are you implying that one event caused the other, or that this is a suspicious coincindence?
What if you were not eating a cabury cream egg, but were instead combing your hair. Would your question then be:
I got stung one day by a bee while i was combing my hair outside. Wow, can you believe that?I got stung one day by a bee while i was eating a cadbury cream egg outside. Wow, can you believe that?
Didn't you read the warning label? Bees are attracted to cream eggs, and Cadbury accepts no responsibility when consumers are stung.
I can believe it. If this event repeats itself in future, scratch the bee stinger off with a credit card, buck up, and finish your cream egg.
It's a good way to live.
Yes i can.If i were a bee i'd sting you as well.
It's National Ice Cream Day?
How will you celebrate???It's National Ice Cream Day?
I hope so. I will celebrate by going to go get my Fav; Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, YUMMY!It's National Ice Cream Day?
I didn't know
that's a good excuse 2 go get ice cream!
(lots of ice cream...)
Dairy Queen Blizzards for everyone!
With a big scoop of Mint Choclate chip icecream on a sugar cone......My kids would probably beg to hit Dairy Queen for a Blizzard. Wait, if thats the case, everday must be National ice cream day........LOL
By getting some at the store.
I ate the last drumstick last night. :(
is it really? hahha
what a quink- a -dink i had pancakes with a scoop of ice- cream on top i know it doesnt sound like a healthy breakfast...
you will run to dairy Queen for me and get a waffle bowel
By eating a pint of cookies and cream ice cream.
eat ice cream all day :o)
I'll celebrate with 2 scoops of Butter Pecan,
ice cream party! yay!
I went to McDonalds and bought one of their cones.
mm mm good!
I will use it as an excuse to eat all the ice cream I want.
eat A LOT of ice cream :-) thanks for telling me
I hope so. I will celebrate by going to go get my Fav; Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, YUMMY!It's National Ice Cream Day?
I didn't know
that's a good excuse 2 go get ice cream!
(lots of ice cream...)
Dairy Queen Blizzards for everyone!
With a big scoop of Mint Choclate chip icecream on a sugar cone......My kids would probably beg to hit Dairy Queen for a Blizzard. Wait, if thats the case, everday must be National ice cream day........LOL
By getting some at the store.
I ate the last drumstick last night. :(
is it really? hahha
what a quink- a -dink i had pancakes with a scoop of ice- cream on top i know it doesnt sound like a healthy breakfast...
you will run to dairy Queen for me and get a waffle bowel
By eating a pint of cookies and cream ice cream.
eat ice cream all day :o)
I'll celebrate with 2 scoops of Butter Pecan,
ice cream party! yay!
I went to McDonalds and bought one of their cones.
mm mm good!
I will use it as an excuse to eat all the ice cream I want.
eat A LOT of ice cream :-) thanks for telling me
Who is holding an ice cream cone? video of the day trivia?
Who is holding an ice cream cone? video of the day triviaWho is holding an ice cream cone? video of the day trivia?
Video Trivia--------------Elroy Jetson
Sleuth Trivia--------peace
Schwinn Free Wheeler 2 Double Jogging Stroller
ETWho is holding an ice cream cone? video of the day trivia?
She is:鈥?/a>
the correct answer is on the Jetson video
Elroy Jetson
the correct answer is on the Jetson video
Elroy Jetson
Elroy Jetson is the correct answer.
Just wondering, has anyone actually won anything from this?
Elroy Jetson
Video Trivia--------------Elroy Jetson
Sleuth Trivia--------peace
Schwinn Free Wheeler 2 Double Jogging Stroller
ETWho is holding an ice cream cone? video of the day trivia?
She is:鈥?/a>
the correct answer is on the Jetson video
Elroy Jetson
the correct answer is on the Jetson video
Elroy Jetson
Elroy Jetson is the correct answer.
Just wondering, has anyone actually won anything from this?
Elroy Jetson
Is it harmful to drink 3 or 4 pints of full cream milk per day?
yes it can be. not only is it high in calories and fat. there is so much protein in it that it will actually leach your body of calcium. so you think you are getting lots of calcium but it's quite the opposite.
moderate your intake and opt for skimmed or semi-skimmed.Is it harmful to drink 3 or 4 pints of full cream milk per day?
I'd like to know the answer as well, I drink 3 or 4 pint of it every day, It's my favourite drink. I'm 30 now and have been drinking it like a fish for as long as I can remember and I've never broken a bone....loads of people over 90 put there long life down to drinking milk every day...Is it harmful to drink 3 or 4 pints of full cream milk per day?
i wish i had a glass for every answer !!
it's almost impossible to find whole milk unless your the supplier,(in the u.s.a.) i havn't had a good glass of milk in over 30-yrs and i blame that for my health (for all nutritionist out there !!)
no i do not believe it would be harmful unless you mean the opposite of your ?
It certainly isn't harmful if you are a calf. I'm not so sure it's a good idea if you are a human though. Too much of any type of food or drink is never a good idea. Particularly, as in this case, it is designed as a food source for young cows rather than humans.....
Considering the amount of saterated fat in it - I would think its certainly not healthy
I shouldn't think so
Not lethal, but has higher cholesterol and saturated fat levels than semi-skimmed certainly. And it will pile weight onto someone who isn't very active, over time. On the other hand, for a v active person who doesn't consume much in the way of saturated fat and cholesterol otherwise, milk of any kind is healthy and nutritious.
rubbish, i have kidney stone,not stones, i have a drop in my coffee every day, so u can have 3/4 pints my way, the downside is u gotta drink 40 cups a day, then see what problems you get,...p.s. are you our milkman?
This doesn't belong in Beer, Wine, %26amp; Spirits but drinking that much heavy cream is VERY high in fat and calories. Not good for the waistline, or your cholesterol level.
Calories per pint: 370. Fat per pint: 22 grams.鈥?/a>
Only if you have a fear of dying!
yes its very fat 4 you try semi skimmed milk instead
Yes. You can give your self kidney stones. They are built up lumps of calcium, and full cream milk is very rich in it. Your bones and teeth would be top notch though.
if you count being very fatty harmful
moderate your intake and opt for skimmed or semi-skimmed.Is it harmful to drink 3 or 4 pints of full cream milk per day?
I'd like to know the answer as well, I drink 3 or 4 pint of it every day, It's my favourite drink. I'm 30 now and have been drinking it like a fish for as long as I can remember and I've never broken a bone....loads of people over 90 put there long life down to drinking milk every day...Is it harmful to drink 3 or 4 pints of full cream milk per day?
i wish i had a glass for every answer !!
it's almost impossible to find whole milk unless your the supplier,(in the u.s.a.) i havn't had a good glass of milk in over 30-yrs and i blame that for my health (for all nutritionist out there !!)
no i do not believe it would be harmful unless you mean the opposite of your ?
It certainly isn't harmful if you are a calf. I'm not so sure it's a good idea if you are a human though. Too much of any type of food or drink is never a good idea. Particularly, as in this case, it is designed as a food source for young cows rather than humans.....
Considering the amount of saterated fat in it - I would think its certainly not healthy
I shouldn't think so
Not lethal, but has higher cholesterol and saturated fat levels than semi-skimmed certainly. And it will pile weight onto someone who isn't very active, over time. On the other hand, for a v active person who doesn't consume much in the way of saturated fat and cholesterol otherwise, milk of any kind is healthy and nutritious.
rubbish, i have kidney stone,not stones, i have a drop in my coffee every day, so u can have 3/4 pints my way, the downside is u gotta drink 40 cups a day, then see what problems you get,...p.s. are you our milkman?
This doesn't belong in Beer, Wine, %26amp; Spirits but drinking that much heavy cream is VERY high in fat and calories. Not good for the waistline, or your cholesterol level.
Calories per pint: 370. Fat per pint: 22 grams.鈥?/a>
Only if you have a fear of dying!
yes its very fat 4 you try semi skimmed milk instead
Yes. You can give your self kidney stones. They are built up lumps of calcium, and full cream milk is very rich in it. Your bones and teeth would be top notch though.
if you count being very fatty harmful
Can someone plz help me ,iam 33years old, i want to get a best brand of day n night cream,best face wash.?
i have been using oily but i think it doesnt suit my skin is very dry.Can someone plz help me ,iam 33years old, i want to get a best brand of day n night cream,best face wash.?
Maybe u should go to the body shop or the face shop and ask the staff to help u. =)wedding makeup
Maybe u should go to the body shop or the face shop and ask the staff to help u. =)
Happy national ice cream day!?
Have you had any ice cream yet? I had ben%26amp;jerrys cherry garcia ice cream.Happy national ice cream day!?
Not yet but I will later this evening, guaranteed. Happy national ice cream day! :-)Happy national ice cream day!?
no but i am getting some tonight.
I just had Butter Pecan my favorite!!!
Will have Edys strawberry later.
thanks, you too. i had chocolate a bit ago. good luck.
That's a great idea, I'm going to go get some Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream right now!
No. Will have some later today.
I had Green Mint Chocolate Chip. I wanna try Cherry Garcia, I've never had it.
Happy National Ice Cream Day to you too!! I hope you had a really delicious fill of ice cream today...............yes I had french vanilla with pieces of banana in it. Yummy!!!!!!!!!
I had some vanilla fat free, sugar free, yucky stuff...BUT, at least I did eat my ice cream!
NO but now im hungry for ice scream and I dont have any thanks a lot
Yes I have. I had homemade blueberry.
omg noway, its national ice cream day????????? im going to get myself a tub now!
Yup, I had my McDonalds ice cream cone.
Thanks, same to you. I wasn't hungry for ice cream untilI read on the internet that it was ice cream day.
Not yet but I will later this evening, guaranteed. Happy national ice cream day! :-)Happy national ice cream day!?
no but i am getting some tonight.
I just had Butter Pecan my favorite!!!
Will have Edys strawberry later.
thanks, you too. i had chocolate a bit ago. good luck.
That's a great idea, I'm going to go get some Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey ice cream right now!
No. Will have some later today.
I had Green Mint Chocolate Chip. I wanna try Cherry Garcia, I've never had it.
Happy National Ice Cream Day to you too!! I hope you had a really delicious fill of ice cream today...............yes I had french vanilla with pieces of banana in it. Yummy!!!!!!!!!
I had some vanilla fat free, sugar free, yucky stuff...BUT, at least I did eat my ice cream!
NO but now im hungry for ice scream and I dont have any thanks a lot
Yes I have. I had homemade blueberry.
omg noway, its national ice cream day????????? im going to get myself a tub now!
Yup, I had my McDonalds ice cream cone.
Thanks, same to you. I wasn't hungry for ice cream untilI read on the internet that it was ice cream day.
Why do people say ice cream is bad for you i run through 3 pints a day of ben jerrys everyday?
im an athlete and i eat over 7000 calories a day and run through 3 pints of ben jerrys ice cream, so what is so bad about i need to get my calories from somewhere and ice cream is the easiest.Why do people say ice cream is bad for you i run through 3 pints a day of ben jerrys everyday?
Because calories from fat and sugar are alot different than calories from protein and carbs. Would you put half gasoline and half water in the tank of your Ferrari? Sure, it would run, but not very well. If you were a true athlete, you wouldn't be eating three pints of ice cream per day.Why do people say ice cream is bad for you i run through 3 pints a day of ben jerrys everyday?
When you're an athlete and you do serious training you can pretty much eat what you want. Marathon runners eat what they want otherwise they would waste away from exercising 3 plus hours a day. It depends how much you are running. If you're not putting on weight it's fine although steaks and pasta would be healthier than all that sugar and saturated fat
it's not necessarily the best way to get calories.... the amount of fat and such that is in icecream is what's bad for you-
i would suggest getting your calories from non-junk food. eat more meats, veggies and fruits.
the amount of sugar in the icecream can also mess up your insulin levels/blood sugar levels. this can effect your performance as an athlete with the sugar spikes and averything...
here's some info:
yeah, you may need a great amount of calories to be able to do what you are doing as an athlete- but getting your calories from healthy food will help you improve your performance
Because calories from fat and sugar are alot different than calories from protein and carbs. Would you put half gasoline and half water in the tank of your Ferrari? Sure, it would run, but not very well. If you were a true athlete, you wouldn't be eating three pints of ice cream per day.Why do people say ice cream is bad for you i run through 3 pints a day of ben jerrys everyday?
When you're an athlete and you do serious training you can pretty much eat what you want. Marathon runners eat what they want otherwise they would waste away from exercising 3 plus hours a day. It depends how much you are running. If you're not putting on weight it's fine although steaks and pasta would be healthier than all that sugar and saturated fat
it's not necessarily the best way to get calories.... the amount of fat and such that is in icecream is what's bad for you-
i would suggest getting your calories from non-junk food. eat more meats, veggies and fruits.
the amount of sugar in the icecream can also mess up your insulin levels/blood sugar levels. this can effect your performance as an athlete with the sugar spikes and averything...
here's some info:
yeah, you may need a great amount of calories to be able to do what you are doing as an athlete- but getting your calories from healthy food will help you improve your performance
Mario Badescu Caviar Day or Night Cream?
Hi, has anyone tried the Mario Badescu Caviar Day Cream and Caviar Night Cream? And did it work? I'm trying to look for an alternative to my Creme De La Mer coz it is too expensive and it didn't really work that well. So any comments about the Caviar Day or Night cream by Mario Badescu? Thanks!Mario Badescu Caviar Day or Night Cream?
I used it and let me tell you,I didn't see much change in my skin. I used the whole jar and then compared my face to before I started using it and there really was little to no difference. It does smell good tho!
I used it and let me tell you,I didn't see much change in my skin. I used the whole jar and then compared my face to before I started using it and there really was little to no difference. It does smell good tho!
1 scoop of ice cream per day?
If i was to have a table spoon of ice cream aday, 5 days a week :P. Would this be bad for me? And yes this is a serious question lol. To go in a fruit smoothie i would drink 5 days a week. Cheers1 scoop of ice cream per day?
Not at all.1 scoop of ice cream per day?
im not a nutritionist ... but im going with no, pick ur ice cream carefully, something low in fat if ur conscious about it..... i'm thinking its a dose of dairy .... everything in moderation and it seems ur doing that
I don't see what it would hurt. It might not help, but it wouldn't
hurt. But it WOULD make your smoothie taste yummy - and
that's certainly good! I say ';Go for it!';
If you add real fruit in the smoothie it would not be bad for you because my mom did this and lost a lot of weight.
Not at all.1 scoop of ice cream per day?
im not a nutritionist ... but im going with no, pick ur ice cream carefully, something low in fat if ur conscious about it..... i'm thinking its a dose of dairy .... everything in moderation and it seems ur doing that
I don't see what it would hurt. It might not help, but it wouldn't
hurt. But it WOULD make your smoothie taste yummy - and
that's certainly good! I say ';Go for it!';
If you add real fruit in the smoothie it would not be bad for you because my mom did this and lost a lot of weight.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
My derm put me on retin-a cream (once a day), Evoclin (twice a day), and a 150 mg Doxycycline pill for acne?
will it get worse before it gets better? if so how long will it take to start getting better?My derm put me on retin-a cream (once a day), Evoclin (twice a day), and a 150 mg Doxycycline pill for acne?
It really depends on your skin type. It will get worse before it gets better on some people, this is because it is getting all the dirt out on to the surface of your skin. But on some people, it may get better straight away. You will see little results within two weeks, and in 4 to 8 weeks, you will have excellent results. Retin-a cream is excellent for acne and acne scars, it is treating acne and will prevent scarring at the same time. Doxycycline pills helps to prevent and treat acne breakouts so you are in good hands.
It really depends on your skin type. It will get worse before it gets better on some people, this is because it is getting all the dirt out on to the surface of your skin. But on some people, it may get better straight away. You will see little results within two weeks, and in 4 to 8 weeks, you will have excellent results. Retin-a cream is excellent for acne and acne scars, it is treating acne and will prevent scarring at the same time. Doxycycline pills helps to prevent and treat acne breakouts so you are in good hands.
I just started using jiaoli soap, and day/night it effective?
how many of you has been using this? wat are the effects on your face and how long did it take to see the effect? have you ever heard of a fake jiaoli soap?...mature answers plsI just started using jiaoli soap, and day/night it effective?
scince no one answer it u can search it in googlewedding makeup
scince no one answer it u can search it in google
Olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Cream SPF 15 - Normal?
can i use olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Cream SPF 15 - Normal as a face premier before my foundation?Olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Cream SPF 15 - Normal?
yes actually i have a bunch of bottles so if i run out i have more heheheheh(im real lazyyy..).
it feels really good and i use it after i clense my face.
.-)Olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Cream SPF 15 - Normal?
ye,it works great and helps the foundation last and it can be used after you cleanse your face or right before bed.
yes actually i have a bunch of bottles so if i run out i have more heheheheh(im real lazyyy..).
it feels really good and i use it after i clense my face.
.-)Olay Complete All Day UV Moisture Cream SPF 15 - Normal?
ye,it works great and helps the foundation last and it can be used after you cleanse your face or right before bed.
Best Eye Cream! Day and Night! 10pts.
What is the best eye cream day and than night? Fine Lines and Wrinkles....Best Eye Cream! Day and Night! 10pts.
dr. perricone advanced aye cream is one of the newer one out on the market now and im always looking for the newest, im probly a couple months behind since a new cream comes out like every month but this was the last one that ive heard works really good!Best Eye Cream! Day and Night! 10pts.
Artistry has an Eye Replenishing Creme that is awesome. It works on dark circles, puffiness and fine lines. It's actually completely guarenteed to work or they'll give you a full refund which you can't beat. Even though Artistry is a top selling brand, you won't find it in any store but you can get it at You can read all the info on it on that site and even buy it if it sounds like what you're looking for. :)
dr. perricone advanced aye cream is one of the newer one out on the market now and im always looking for the newest, im probly a couple months behind since a new cream comes out like every month but this was the last one that ive heard works really good!Best Eye Cream! Day and Night! 10pts.
Artistry has an Eye Replenishing Creme that is awesome. It works on dark circles, puffiness and fine lines. It's actually completely guarenteed to work or they'll give you a full refund which you can't beat. Even though Artistry is a top selling brand, you won't find it in any store but you can get it at You can read all the info on it on that site and even buy it if it sounds like what you're looking for. :)
What does it mean when there's a Mr. Whoopee Ice Cream truck in front of my house three times per day?
Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe all the neighborhood wives are collecting Popsicle know, some big arts and crafts project or somethin'...What does it mean when there's a Mr. Whoopee Ice Cream truck in front of my house three times per day?
Your wife is sending you subliminal messages.
';Mr. Whoopee'; = I want your hot loving
';ice cream'; = sweet honey-flavored love making
';in front of your house'; = 3 times on the kitchen tableWhat does it mean when there's a Mr. Whoopee Ice Cream truck in front of my house three times per day?
Either you have a stalker on your hands or a very intelligent drug dealer.
Hahaha...there's an ice cream truck that drives around at three in the morning in my friend's neighborhood. The driver doesn't really cater to the children, if you catch my drift....
Homeland security is all up in your azz!!! and by azz I don't mean business, I mean azz.
They probably already planted a bug there!!!
It means your neighbor lady really loves the rocket pops!
It means you want to keep a close eye on your wife when she goes out there to ';buy icecream'; for 45 minutes.
Somebody is gettin' some.
Somebody is getting his or her Dilly Bar
Gee! I could really go for some ice cream about now
That you're having an affair with the Mr. Whoopee driver...
It means that Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna open up a can of Whoop ***.
Someones getting a bomb pop
it means theres ice cream...get 1 for me too
ambush with a nutty buddy
Your neighbor is gettin' some!
Are your curtains closed?
they want you to buy ice cream or its an undercover cop
mr.whoopee is doin more than just sellin ice cream
I think you should watch Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams again...
it means FBI surveillance, my your back!
Your wife is sending you subliminal messages.
';Mr. Whoopee'; = I want your hot loving
';ice cream'; = sweet honey-flavored love making
';in front of your house'; = 3 times on the kitchen tableWhat does it mean when there's a Mr. Whoopee Ice Cream truck in front of my house three times per day?
Either you have a stalker on your hands or a very intelligent drug dealer.
Hahaha...there's an ice cream truck that drives around at three in the morning in my friend's neighborhood. The driver doesn't really cater to the children, if you catch my drift....
Homeland security is all up in your azz!!! and by azz I don't mean business, I mean azz.
They probably already planted a bug there!!!
It means your neighbor lady really loves the rocket pops!
It means you want to keep a close eye on your wife when she goes out there to ';buy icecream'; for 45 minutes.
Somebody is gettin' some.
Somebody is getting his or her Dilly Bar
Gee! I could really go for some ice cream about now
That you're having an affair with the Mr. Whoopee driver...
It means that Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna open up a can of Whoop ***.
Someones getting a bomb pop
it means theres ice cream...get 1 for me too
ambush with a nutty buddy
Your neighbor is gettin' some!
Are your curtains closed?
they want you to buy ice cream or its an undercover cop
mr.whoopee is doin more than just sellin ice cream
I think you should watch Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams again...
it means FBI surveillance, my your back!
Which is better? Liquorice Flavour Ice Cream on a hot day or Warm blue fluffy slippers on a cold one?
Warm Blue Fluffy Slippers On A Cold Day!!!Which is better? Liquorice Flavour Ice Cream on a hot day or Warm blue fluffy slippers on a cold one?
Licorice anything makes me ill!Which is better? Liquorice Flavour Ice Cream on a hot day or Warm blue fluffy slippers on a cold one?
warm, fluffy blue slippers
Definately the slippers!!
Licorice anything makes me ill!Which is better? Liquorice Flavour Ice Cream on a hot day or Warm blue fluffy slippers on a cold one?
warm, fluffy blue slippers
Definately the slippers!!
Cream Day! ?
Please anwer the following questions and it would be great if you did not answer with the word everthing, with that being said here are the questions:
1. Favorite Cream Song(s)?
2. Favorite Cream Album(s)?
3. Solo Clapton or Clapton in Cream?
4. Favorite Cream Album Cover
5. Does Clapton deserve to be inducted in the hall of fame three times?
Hint tomowrows band is one of the following:
Van Halen
The Clash
RushCream Day! ?
Yay Cream day!
1 Tales of Brave Ulysses
White Room
2 Fresh Cream
Disraeli Gears
3 Clapton in Cream
4 Disraeli Gears
5 You bet!Cream Day! ?
I'm not a big enough cream fan to answer your questions well enough..
But I did want to say something about Eric Clapton. He is a little over-rated.
He is a really good technical guitarist. Plays the notes at the right time and puts them in a good sequence, and all that, but a truly GREAT guitarist also has feeling when he plays and clapton has none. I've only heard him play one song where it sounding like there was emotion behind it and obviously there would be because he wrote it for his son.
1. Sunshine of Your Love ( predictable, but in my Top 5 of all time, any band )
2. Disraeli Gears
3. Ginger Baker's Air Force ( first album )
4. Disraeli Gears
5. Only for his Contibution in the 60's
( I don't find anything he's done after his First Solo Album to be very impressive )
If you don't like my Answer - TRY SWALLOWING, instead of Judging.
I liked their version of sittin' on top of the world by Howlin' Wolf
Wheels of fire
Actually, I like them all but the Yardbirds are what made me love Clapton
Disraeli Gears
Yes but not necessarily before Ginger Baker, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page. Maybe they should all be inducted together.
My Cream Top 10
1 Those Were The Days
2 Tales Of Brave Ulysses
3 White Room
4 Sunshine Of Your Love
5 Sweet Wine
6 I Feel Free
7 Toad
8 Crossroads
9 Badge
10 Anyone For Tennis?
Favorite Cream Albums
1 Disreali Gears
2 Wheels Of Fire
3 Fresh Cream
4 Goodbye
5 BBC Sessions
Clapton in Cream, by far.
Disreali Gears
Heck yes He does!
1. Disraeli Gears
2. ';Tales of Brave Ulysses';
3. Solo Clapton
4. Disraeli Gears (Psychedelic man)
5. I think 5 times actually
1. Strange Brew, White Room, Tales Of Brave Ulysses, Sunshine.., Badge, SWABLR.
2. Disraeli Gears is my favourite, then Fresh Cream %26amp; BBC Sessions.
3. Clapton in Cream.
4. Diraeli Gears of course!
5. Hmm, maybe twice.
I think my fellow employee at Dunder Mifflen played for Cream.
I think Creed did.
1. Favorite Cream Song(s)?
2. Favorite Cream Album(s)?
3. Solo Clapton or Clapton in Cream?
4. Favorite Cream Album Cover
5. Does Clapton deserve to be inducted in the hall of fame three times?
Hint tomowrows band is one of the following:
Van Halen
The Clash
RushCream Day! ?
Yay Cream day!
1 Tales of Brave Ulysses
White Room
2 Fresh Cream
Disraeli Gears
3 Clapton in Cream
4 Disraeli Gears
5 You bet!Cream Day! ?
I'm not a big enough cream fan to answer your questions well enough..
But I did want to say something about Eric Clapton. He is a little over-rated.
He is a really good technical guitarist. Plays the notes at the right time and puts them in a good sequence, and all that, but a truly GREAT guitarist also has feeling when he plays and clapton has none. I've only heard him play one song where it sounding like there was emotion behind it and obviously there would be because he wrote it for his son.
1. Sunshine of Your Love ( predictable, but in my Top 5 of all time, any band )
2. Disraeli Gears
3. Ginger Baker's Air Force ( first album )
4. Disraeli Gears
5. Only for his Contibution in the 60's
( I don't find anything he's done after his First Solo Album to be very impressive )
If you don't like my Answer - TRY SWALLOWING, instead of Judging.
I liked their version of sittin' on top of the world by Howlin' Wolf
Wheels of fire
Actually, I like them all but the Yardbirds are what made me love Clapton
Disraeli Gears
Yes but not necessarily before Ginger Baker, Jeff Beck, and Jimmy Page. Maybe they should all be inducted together.
My Cream Top 10
1 Those Were The Days
2 Tales Of Brave Ulysses
3 White Room
4 Sunshine Of Your Love
5 Sweet Wine
6 I Feel Free
7 Toad
8 Crossroads
9 Badge
10 Anyone For Tennis?
Favorite Cream Albums
1 Disreali Gears
2 Wheels Of Fire
3 Fresh Cream
4 Goodbye
5 BBC Sessions
Clapton in Cream, by far.
Disreali Gears
Heck yes He does!
1. Disraeli Gears
2. ';Tales of Brave Ulysses';
3. Solo Clapton
4. Disraeli Gears (Psychedelic man)
5. I think 5 times actually
1. Strange Brew, White Room, Tales Of Brave Ulysses, Sunshine.., Badge, SWABLR.
2. Disraeli Gears is my favourite, then Fresh Cream %26amp; BBC Sessions.
3. Clapton in Cream.
4. Diraeli Gears of course!
5. Hmm, maybe twice.
I think my fellow employee at Dunder Mifflen played for Cream.
I think Creed did.
Can i start to use Night/Day Creams?
Im 26 years of age and i was wondering if it is already time for me to use night and day creams, Or does this only apply to light complected ladies, im light tan. And if I do buy night and day creams, are Lancome products good, and which would you recommend?Can i start to use Night/Day Creams?
I've been using day/night creams for the past two years or so. You're never too old/young/light/tan for it. I'm currently using Shiseido and have been for the last decade. Pricey, but a little goes a long way. Top-notch quality and no complaints. They have the science to back up their products and they've been around for over a makeup
I've been using day/night creams for the past two years or so. You're never too old/young/light/tan for it. I'm currently using Shiseido and have been for the last decade. Pricey, but a little goes a long way. Top-notch quality and no complaints. They have the science to back up their products and they've been around for over a century.
What can my daughter have for a dessert for her 13th b-day party? She hates cake or ice cream or chocolate.?
Her favorite pie or, just ask her. Let her help decide what ';treat'; she wants. My son, when he was 13, asked for a large fruit and vegetable tray instead of the sweets. He loves cake but wanted something different that year. He still calls that his favorite birthday! I did all the cutting for the tray as it was cheaper to do it myself. You can always get them custom made at your favorite grocery store!What can my daughter have for a dessert for her 13th b-day party? She hates cake or ice cream or chocolate.?
Pick her favorite dessert and serve that.What can my daughter have for a dessert for her 13th b-day party? She hates cake or ice cream or chocolate.?
Does she like sherbet? It is cool, refreshing, comes in different flavours, and you could garnish it with the appropriate fresh fruit
Nothing says ';Welcome to the teen years'; like coconut cream pie.
Get a bunch of cut up fruit. It would be a healthy treat.
I say whatever her favorite dessert is. The fruit tarts that someone else said sounds fun plus you can put candles in it like a cake.. I would still get a small cake and some ice cream for her guests though. Most kids love that stuff and would be a little disappointed if you didn't have it at a party.
Twinkies w/ strawberry sauce
how about poundcake sliced with strawberries and cool whip on top
A lot of bakeries (grocery store ones included) make these giant cookies that are about the size of a pizza. You can have special birthday messages or designs written on them with frosting. I've had these before for my birthday, and if you like cookies, they're very good!
And there's always pie--that's what my friend who hates cake always has for her birthday.
I think you should make (or buy) her whatever her favorite dessert is though. You can probably customize it if you want to make it birthday related. =]
chef audrey is out of ideas.....(sorry) usually we use ice cream or cake as a dessert as it is cold and it will be pleasant for the intestines.
That my kinda girl! I'm not a fan of chocolate but i do like peanut butter ice cream and vanilla cake
I suggest:
Cookies with icing in the middle: take two soft sugar cookies and spread icing [vanilla] in the middle and roll the outside with sprinkles...even try it without the icing and with peanut butter and/or jelly
Donut ';cake';: Buy a bunch of donuts and stack in pretty pattern like a towel
Pancakes: Make pancakes of all different flavors...good toppings include whipped cream, peanut butter, caramel, pineapples, cherries a sundae without the ice cream! You could also make waffles
Caramel fondue: Melt caramel in a big pot and dip cut up apples, cut bananas, pieces of pound cake, pretzels, angel food cake, pieces of pancakes or waffles, mini donuts, peanut butter cookies
happy bday to your daughter! have fun and good luck! tell me how it goes!
How about lemon bars!
Have a smoothie bar for dessert!
Does she like cheesecake?
Or a pie!
Moose? Fruit Salad. Banana fritters. Pineapple fritters. Bomb Alaska.... no, better not, maybe Bomb Iraq or somewhere else. There's a new yoghurt out that magically sticks to the spoon, even upside-down.
Do you think she's too old for Fairy Bread?
i just had some chocolate bavarian.
How about Cheesecake? Or jelly moulds with fruit in it.
You could go look in a cookbook or why don't you give her what you had - or was that Ice-Cream.
Ever think of asking your mum?
She could have beautiful fresh fruit tarts .... just a plain pastry crust filled with custard and then topped with beautiful things like kiwi, blackberries, and strawberries .....
cotton candy, pinata candy. mango.
How about a fruit pizza? Take a roll of sugar cookie dough, let it soften and spread it out so it fits a pizza pan. Bake it long enough (I don't have the recipe in front of me, but it will be slightly longer than the cookies would take - and maybe turn the oven down 25 degrees) and let it cool.
When it's cool, cover it with a can of frosting, then decorate it with slices of fruit (include exotics like kiwi), coconut, sweet chips, whatever they would like.
You might also be able to make this into an activity for the party, if there are only a few participants: make as many large cookies as there are attendees and let them decorate their own.
Good luck, and enjoy that girl! They do grow up fast, don't they?
Check out the link below.
It has recipes for quite a few tasty cakes and desserts that can be prepared easily from home ..
Pick her favorite dessert and serve that.What can my daughter have for a dessert for her 13th b-day party? She hates cake or ice cream or chocolate.?
Does she like sherbet? It is cool, refreshing, comes in different flavours, and you could garnish it with the appropriate fresh fruit
Nothing says ';Welcome to the teen years'; like coconut cream pie.
Get a bunch of cut up fruit. It would be a healthy treat.
I say whatever her favorite dessert is. The fruit tarts that someone else said sounds fun plus you can put candles in it like a cake.. I would still get a small cake and some ice cream for her guests though. Most kids love that stuff and would be a little disappointed if you didn't have it at a party.
Twinkies w/ strawberry sauce
how about poundcake sliced with strawberries and cool whip on top
A lot of bakeries (grocery store ones included) make these giant cookies that are about the size of a pizza. You can have special birthday messages or designs written on them with frosting. I've had these before for my birthday, and if you like cookies, they're very good!
And there's always pie--that's what my friend who hates cake always has for her birthday.
I think you should make (or buy) her whatever her favorite dessert is though. You can probably customize it if you want to make it birthday related. =]
chef audrey is out of ideas.....(sorry) usually we use ice cream or cake as a dessert as it is cold and it will be pleasant for the intestines.
That my kinda girl! I'm not a fan of chocolate but i do like peanut butter ice cream and vanilla cake
I suggest:
Cookies with icing in the middle: take two soft sugar cookies and spread icing [vanilla] in the middle and roll the outside with sprinkles...even try it without the icing and with peanut butter and/or jelly
Donut ';cake';: Buy a bunch of donuts and stack in pretty pattern like a towel
Pancakes: Make pancakes of all different flavors...good toppings include whipped cream, peanut butter, caramel, pineapples, cherries a sundae without the ice cream! You could also make waffles
Caramel fondue: Melt caramel in a big pot and dip cut up apples, cut bananas, pieces of pound cake, pretzels, angel food cake, pieces of pancakes or waffles, mini donuts, peanut butter cookies
happy bday to your daughter! have fun and good luck! tell me how it goes!
How about lemon bars!
Have a smoothie bar for dessert!
Does she like cheesecake?
Or a pie!
Moose? Fruit Salad. Banana fritters. Pineapple fritters. Bomb Alaska.... no, better not, maybe Bomb Iraq or somewhere else. There's a new yoghurt out that magically sticks to the spoon, even upside-down.
Do you think she's too old for Fairy Bread?
i just had some chocolate bavarian.
How about Cheesecake? Or jelly moulds with fruit in it.
You could go look in a cookbook or why don't you give her what you had - or was that Ice-Cream.
Ever think of asking your mum?
She could have beautiful fresh fruit tarts .... just a plain pastry crust filled with custard and then topped with beautiful things like kiwi, blackberries, and strawberries .....
cotton candy, pinata candy. mango.
How about a fruit pizza? Take a roll of sugar cookie dough, let it soften and spread it out so it fits a pizza pan. Bake it long enough (I don't have the recipe in front of me, but it will be slightly longer than the cookies would take - and maybe turn the oven down 25 degrees) and let it cool.
When it's cool, cover it with a can of frosting, then decorate it with slices of fruit (include exotics like kiwi), coconut, sweet chips, whatever they would like.
You might also be able to make this into an activity for the party, if there are only a few participants: make as many large cookies as there are attendees and let them decorate their own.
Good luck, and enjoy that girl! They do grow up fast, don't they?
Check out the link below.
It has recipes for quite a few tasty cakes and desserts that can be prepared easily from home ..
I had this ';cluster'; of 3 zits so I applied benzoyl peroxide cream all day and night not the area is bright ..
red! What do I do?I had this ';cluster'; of 3 zits so I applied benzoyl peroxide cream all day and night not the area is bright ..
you might be alergic to the benzoyl
i know alot of ppl are
just stop applying it
or it might also be that the area is irratted
once the pimple is there its better to just squeeze it then to try to treat it....
stop using all dring products on it it will only make it worseI had this ';cluster'; of 3 zits so I applied benzoyl peroxide cream all day and night not the area is bright ..
wash the cream off and apply aloe vera
Leave them alone for now. If you have acne, I would strongly suggest sensiclear. I have struggled with acne since I was 12 years old and am now 35. I have spent thousand of dollars over the years. This stuff worked in 3 days. My skin is looking clearer and feels better. I know it is expensive, but having clear skin is worth it. Hope this helps. Kathy
apply lemon juice to them at night and wash it off in the morning. it will dry up the zits and take redness away.
Is that a prescription cream? If so and it's the one I have then it's really strong and you are only meant to put a tiny bit on, it's probably burnt your skin, but nothing to worry about... just leave it be for a few days and it'll clear up. IF not then go down to your doctors.
Good luck.
you might be alergic to the benzoyl
i know alot of ppl are
just stop applying it
or it might also be that the area is irratted
once the pimple is there its better to just squeeze it then to try to treat it....
stop using all dring products on it it will only make it worseI had this ';cluster'; of 3 zits so I applied benzoyl peroxide cream all day and night not the area is bright ..
wash the cream off and apply aloe vera
Leave them alone for now. If you have acne, I would strongly suggest sensiclear. I have struggled with acne since I was 12 years old and am now 35. I have spent thousand of dollars over the years. This stuff worked in 3 days. My skin is looking clearer and feels better. I know it is expensive, but having clear skin is worth it. Hope this helps. Kathy
apply lemon juice to them at night and wash it off in the morning. it will dry up the zits and take redness away.
Is that a prescription cream? If so and it's the one I have then it's really strong and you are only meant to put a tiny bit on, it's probably burnt your skin, but nothing to worry about... just leave it be for a few days and it'll clear up. IF not then go down to your doctors.
Good luck.
Hey i am confused? should i use night cream or day?
i sleep at 5-7 o clock morning, so before i sleep should i use night cream or day cream?Hey i am confused? should i use night cream or day?
You need to use a night cream whenever you are sleeping and not going out in the sun, and a day cream with at least spf 15 when you go out in the sun. If you work at night and hardly ever see the sun, you probably don't need to have spf in your day cream. If you sleep during the day, a night cream would work just fine.
You need to use a night cream whenever you are sleeping and not going out in the sun, and a day cream with at least spf 15 when you go out in the sun. If you work at night and hardly ever see the sun, you probably don't need to have spf in your day cream. If you sleep during the day, a night cream would work just fine.
Why is it that when my period starts acting up i eat 3-5 buckets of ice cream in a day but im not over weight
You know you're gonna have a lot of women hating you now! LOL just kidding, I crave ice cream and fritos, but I do not have the blessing of not gaining weight with them. Consider yourself lucky.Why is it that when my period starts acting up i eat 3-5 buckets of ice cream in a day but im not over weight
Be careful, you might not gain the weight but it's not healthy for your cholestrol, cardiovascular and the rest of your body.Why is it that when my period starts acting up i eat 3-5 buckets of ice cream in a day but im not over weight
when you get your period you can eat 500 calories more per day without weight gain. it's your body compensating for the loss of nutrients
Be careful, you might not gain the weight but it's not healthy for your cholestrol, cardiovascular and the rest of your body.Why is it that when my period starts acting up i eat 3-5 buckets of ice cream in a day but im not over weight
when you get your period you can eat 500 calories more per day without weight gain. it's your body compensating for the loss of nutrients
What time and day does the ice cream man come?
Around the time husbands are not at home?What time and day does the ice cream man come?
Our ice cream lady comes on Wednesdays around 5:30. She plays oriental music!What time and day does the ice cream man come?
i live in fl and when school is in he comes right after school lets out....and on weekends between 2-4 that school is out he comes daily around 1pm and then again around 5pm...of course this just refers to my neighborhood. i'm sure somewhere out there now is an ice cream truck playing his tunes and selling his ice cold treats. have a great day.
Depends on the store. He was at ours yesterday at 9am.
Or are you asking about the ice cream man who comes down the street selling popsicles to the kids? He's out between 11am and 6pm.
It depends where you live here
there are two times of days
around lunch time, when its the hottest 12-3pm
or around dinner time 5-6pm
I live with the icecream man, so anytime I want!!
Seriously, down south we don't have the icecream man, we have the ';sno-ball man'; %26amp; he comes by every afternoon about 5 -6 pm..........
Usually on Saturdays, and sometimes weekdays, but not at noon, a little bit after, like 2.
It depends on the ice cream mans neighborhood route.
Usually anytime between 4pm and 7pm to capitalize on the lat afternoon hunger most children have.
Hmm, you'd better ask the little ice cream lady about that!!
where i live it comes on saturdays and sundays 2 about 1:00
Our ice cream lady comes on Wednesdays around 5:30. She plays oriental music!What time and day does the ice cream man come?
i live in fl and when school is in he comes right after school lets out....and on weekends between 2-4 that school is out he comes daily around 1pm and then again around 5pm...of course this just refers to my neighborhood. i'm sure somewhere out there now is an ice cream truck playing his tunes and selling his ice cold treats. have a great day.
Depends on the store. He was at ours yesterday at 9am.
Or are you asking about the ice cream man who comes down the street selling popsicles to the kids? He's out between 11am and 6pm.
It depends where you live here
there are two times of days
around lunch time, when its the hottest 12-3pm
or around dinner time 5-6pm
I live with the icecream man, so anytime I want!!
Seriously, down south we don't have the icecream man, we have the ';sno-ball man'; %26amp; he comes by every afternoon about 5 -6 pm..........
Usually on Saturdays, and sometimes weekdays, but not at noon, a little bit after, like 2.
It depends on the ice cream mans neighborhood route.
Usually anytime between 4pm and 7pm to capitalize on the lat afternoon hunger most children have.
Hmm, you'd better ask the little ice cream lady about that!!
where i live it comes on saturdays and sundays 2 about 1:00
Ever eatten a gallon of ice cream in one day?
No...But i will love to share few gallons, If you will eat together with! Then smudge our faces that will make us look like giant cones! It will be named Ashu's Delight!! Or my name 'Crazy Butt's Ice'...wooo..that sounds 'cold butt's' ice cream too! ^^Ever eatten a gallon of ice cream in one day?
~★~ Nope..!!Ever eatten a gallon of ice cream in one day?
i do that all the time, actually! ha. then i get brain freeze, but i still do it! its good!
Yes, a while ago, but the brain freeze is still there
Nope. Icecream makes me sick if i eat too much of it.
yes if its moosetracks and its that time of the month
No in two day but not one
No. If I did, I'd be sick, of course.
lol.... what's a gallon?? but if ya mean 1 tub then yes!!!
awww man, now i feel lyk eating ice cream!!!!
No lol.
No I haven't
No. I don't want to get a brain freeze ♥:-)
no lol
yeah it was good... more like in an hour tho
no, im not a fatty!wedding makeup
~★~ Nope..!!Ever eatten a gallon of ice cream in one day?
i do that all the time, actually! ha. then i get brain freeze, but i still do it! its good!
Yes, a while ago, but the brain freeze is still there
Nope. Icecream makes me sick if i eat too much of it.
yes if its moosetracks and its that time of the month
No in two day but not one
No. If I did, I'd be sick, of course.
lol.... what's a gallon?? but if ya mean 1 tub then yes!!!
awww man, now i feel lyk eating ice cream!!!!
No lol.
No I haven't
No. I don't want to get a brain freeze ♥:-)
no lol
yeah it was good... more like in an hour tho
no, im not a fatty!
Do you use face cream every day? Does it do anything? What?
i use Garnier nutri and its amazing, it leaves skin toned and silky smooth it also helps releave dry skin, sore patches and spots! heres a link鈥?/a>
i hope that helpted hunni xxxDo you use face cream every day? Does it do anything? What?
you dont have to use face cream everyday, but its better for your skin if it is dry. face cream is used to moisten your skin and make it look softer and healthier. if you want to use it everyday, use it in the morning especially during winter!Do you use face cream every day? Does it do anything? What?
i have oily face....i donot use face creams, esp in summer....
it is useful to the people who feel that their skin gets dry after taking bath....
it just makes the skin smooth....nothing else..
i hope that helpted hunni xxxDo you use face cream every day? Does it do anything? What?
you dont have to use face cream everyday, but its better for your skin if it is dry. face cream is used to moisten your skin and make it look softer and healthier. if you want to use it everyday, use it in the morning especially during winter!Do you use face cream every day? Does it do anything? What?
i have oily face....i donot use face creams, esp in summer....
it is useful to the people who feel that their skin gets dry after taking bath....
it just makes the skin smooth....nothing else..
Apparently Ben and Jerry ice cream stores waste 1 million litres of water a day, I couldnt care less...i mean?
They pay there bills so who gives a monkeys how much water they use. How does it affect your life that they waste the water??????????Apparently Ben and Jerry ice cream stores waste 1 million litres of water a day, I couldnt care less...i mean?
doesnt bother me ive got plenty of waterApparently Ben and Jerry ice cream stores waste 1 million litres of water a day, I couldnt care less...i mean?
you'd need to define 'waste' as opposed to 'use' or 'consume'...
and besides... it's Ben and Jerry!
there are children all over the world who don't have drinking water should care
ben and jerrys is worth it.
I dont care as long as they keep making the stuff
Heck no. As long as they keep makin that deliciously awesome ice cream of theirs, I couldn't care less.
How do they waste the water? That's what i want to know.
How do you waste water?I thought it was recyclable.:O
your the one thats saying this. i care, water shouldnt be wasted especially not that much
they use up all the clean water
doesnt bother me ive got plenty of waterApparently Ben and Jerry ice cream stores waste 1 million litres of water a day, I couldnt care less...i mean?
you'd need to define 'waste' as opposed to 'use' or 'consume'...
and besides... it's Ben and Jerry!
there are children all over the world who don't have drinking water should care
ben and jerrys is worth it.
I dont care as long as they keep making the stuff
Heck no. As long as they keep makin that deliciously awesome ice cream of theirs, I couldn't care less.
How do they waste the water? That's what i want to know.
How do you waste water?I thought it was recyclable.:O
your the one thats saying this. i care, water shouldnt be wasted especially not that much
they use up all the clean water
White people can you tell me the hard times you face in your day to day life or is it all peaches and cream ?
like the media makes us believe ?White people can you tell me the hard times you face in your day to day life or is it all peaches and cream ?
I go to college full time but I also work two jobs because the rent and bills don't pay themselves. What, do you think I get everything free because I'm white? Hardly.White people can you tell me the hard times you face in your day to day life or is it all peaches and cream ?
Let me tell you what I've been through. Looking in the mirror and only seeing an ugly fat lard who can't get a man if her life depended on it, losing two loved ones in less than a year, watching a loved one suffer, wondering if I'll get any sympathy from my peers, feeling like my parents favor a non existant child over me, having a crush who doesn't know I exist, having a crush who is already with somebody and in love with them, having a crush who will never like me the way I want him to. It ain't as easy as it sounds, trust me.
every race has its hardships. idk why the media makes it seem like were a bunch of spoiled rich kids. the other day i got called a nazi because im blonde with blue eyes. i just hate it when people make generalizations about other cultures. especially on that level. i was so offended.
anyway, i dont think color really matters on how people live their life.
wow. i hope you don't think that all white ppl have an easy, care free and privileged life, that would be very ignorant. people in every race have their own problems to face in life. if i sat here and told you all my day to day obstacles i face i would be here for days. just because the media emphasizes on famous rich white ppl does that mean we are all like them. no
my sister died
my family is all republican and im a complete hippie
everyone i love keeps getting hurt
i know alot of people have worse lives than me but i wouldn't say mine is peaches and cream
i have to stop at stop lights. its so infuriating!!!!
thanks, aug.... thanks a bunch.
life has no hardships because that only depends what one thinks as hardships
They have to stop at stop lights.
Some like Paris Hilton are wild as fire.
Did I make sense?
I go to college full time but I also work two jobs because the rent and bills don't pay themselves. What, do you think I get everything free because I'm white? Hardly.White people can you tell me the hard times you face in your day to day life or is it all peaches and cream ?
Let me tell you what I've been through. Looking in the mirror and only seeing an ugly fat lard who can't get a man if her life depended on it, losing two loved ones in less than a year, watching a loved one suffer, wondering if I'll get any sympathy from my peers, feeling like my parents favor a non existant child over me, having a crush who doesn't know I exist, having a crush who is already with somebody and in love with them, having a crush who will never like me the way I want him to. It ain't as easy as it sounds, trust me.
every race has its hardships. idk why the media makes it seem like were a bunch of spoiled rich kids. the other day i got called a nazi because im blonde with blue eyes. i just hate it when people make generalizations about other cultures. especially on that level. i was so offended.
anyway, i dont think color really matters on how people live their life.
wow. i hope you don't think that all white ppl have an easy, care free and privileged life, that would be very ignorant. people in every race have their own problems to face in life. if i sat here and told you all my day to day obstacles i face i would be here for days. just because the media emphasizes on famous rich white ppl does that mean we are all like them. no
my sister died
my family is all republican and im a complete hippie
everyone i love keeps getting hurt
i know alot of people have worse lives than me but i wouldn't say mine is peaches and cream
i have to stop at stop lights. its so infuriating!!!!
thanks, aug.... thanks a bunch.
life has no hardships because that only depends what one thinks as hardships
They have to stop at stop lights.
Some like Paris Hilton are wild as fire.
Did I make sense?
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